Buy No Man's Sky at the Best Price

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Inspired by the adventure and imagination that marks classic science-fiction, No Man's Sky presents you with a galaxy to explore, where you'll discover unique never-before-seen planets and lifeforms, and encounter constant danger and action.
In No Man's Sky, every star is the light of a distant sun, orbited by planets filled with life, and you can go to any of them you choose. You can fly smoothly from deep space to planetary surfaces, with no loading screens, and no limits.

  • Embark on an epic voyage

At the center of the galaxy lies an irresistible pulse, which draws you towards it to learn the true nature of the cosmos. But, as you face hostile creatures and fierce pirates, you'll know that death comes at a cost, and survival will be down to the choices you make over how you upgrade your ship, your weapon, and suit.

  • Find your own destiny

Your voyage through No Man's Sky is up to you. Will you be a fighter, preying on the weak and taking their riches, or taking out pirates for their bounties? Power is yours if you upgrade your ship for speed and weaponry. Or a trader? Find rich resources on forgotten worlds and exploit them for the highest prices. Invest in more cargo space and you'll reap huge rewards. Or perhaps an explorer? Go beyond the known frontier and discover places and things that no one has ever seen before. Upgrade your engines to jump even further, and strengthen your suit for survival in toxic environments that would kill the unwary.

  • Share your journey

The galaxy is a living, breathing place. Trade convoys travel between stars, factions vie for territory, pirates hunt the unwary, and the police are ever watching. Every other player lives in the same galaxy, and you can choose to share your discoveries with them. Perhaps you will see the results of their actions as well as your own...

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Best deals for No Man's Sky

Use your CD key on Steam.

Download your game on Switch with the Nintendo eShop

Use your PS5 code on the Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Download your product on the Windows 10/Microsoft store

CD key to use on the GOG GALAXY client to download your game.

PC  · Steam
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(*) The best price is currently 223.55₹. We discovered this product available from 16 vendors supporting 6 DRM systems: Xbox Live, Windows, Steam, Sony PSN, Nintendo eShop & GOG Galaxy on 6 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in Standard edition. Our price comparison tool has identified 40 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 52 comments already shared.

Comments on No Man's Sky

26-Jul-2024, 12:34 am on
Realmente un punto de inflexión de un juego. ¡Y más de la actitud y las acciones de la compañía que llevan a este juego lleno de errores a una obra maestra con su actualización constante y brindando a los propietarios actualizaciones increíbles de forma gratuita! Impresionante historia de regreso que salvó la reputación de toda la empresa y la destrucción completa.
Truly a turning point of a game. And more of the company's attitude and actions leading this bug-filled game to a masterpiece with its constant updating and providing owners with amazing upgrades for free! Awesome comeback story that saved the reputation of the whole company and complete destruction.
26-Jul-2024, 12:32 am on
Si aún no tienes No Man's Sky, tendrás la suerte de comprarlo en buen estado y con mucho más contenido que el día del lanzamiento. Sus hermosos paisajes, su gran sistema de construcción y su amplio espacio para la exploración seguramente te sorprenderán. Más que eso, puedes "aprender" idiomas alienígenas para comunicarte con diferentes especies. Encontré que el juego es bastante pesado, por lo que te llevará algo de tiempo progresar. Pero, ¡vale la pena!
If you don't have No Man's Sky yet, you'll be lucky enough to buy it in good condition and with much more content than on launch day. Its beautiful landscapes, great building system and ample space for exploration will surely amaze you. More than that, you can "learn" alien languages to communicate with different species. I found the game to be quite heavy, so it will take you some time to progress. But, it's worth it!
26-Jul-2024, 12:31 am on
Al carecer de contenido y funciones en el lanzamiento, No Man's Sky es ahora uno de los mejores juegos de exploración espacial que existen. Después de muchas actualizaciones gratuitas, prepárate para explorar galaxias y aprender la verdad del cosmos. Descubre planetas y usa las herramientas disponibles para sobrevivir en los más duros. Encuentra recursos para mejorar tu nave, tu traje y aventurarte más en lo desconocido.
Lacking content and features at launch, No Man's Sky is now one of the best space exploration games out there. After many free updates, get ready to explore galaxies and learn the truth of the cosmos. Discover planets and use the tools available to survive in the harshest ones. Find resources to upgrade your ship, your suit and venture further into the unknown.
02-Aug-2024, 4:36 pm on
Un des jeux d'exploration spatiale par excellence, ils viennent d'annoncer une nouvelle mise à jour gratuite Worlds qui vise à améliorer le moteur graphique et le système de génération procédurale. C'est sans doute le jeu le plus sympa à faire pour s'éclater à explorer l'espace. Reposant, mais pas trop quand même. Si vous aimez l'explo spatiale, foncez, vraiment, il vaut le coup :)
One of the space exploration games par excellence, they've just announced a new free Worlds update aimed at improving the graphics engine and procedural generation system. It's without doubt the most fun game you can make for exploring space. It's relaxing, but not too relaxing. If you like space exploration, go for it, really, it's worth it :)
02-Aug-2024, 4:15 pm on
C'est un jeux qui a fait un comeback gigantesque, avec des mises à jour continues au cours des huit dernières années, la dernière version du jeu offre de très beau graphismes et une exploration spatiale sans fin. Si vous êtes un fan de l'espace ce jeux fait partit des indispensables à mon sens.
It's a game that's made a gigantic comeback, with continuous updates over the last eight years, the latest version of the game offers beautiful graphics and endless space exploration. If you're a space fan, this game is a must-have in my book.
02-Aug-2024, 4:13 pm on
Un jeu qui a eu beaucoup de maj avec du contenu saisonnier qui vaut vraiment le coup, surtout avec la prochaine maj ! Il est incroyable !
A game that's had a lot of maj with seasonal content that's really worth it, especially with the next maj! It's incredible!
02-Aug-2024, 3:26 am on
Un jeu qui a eu beaucoup de maj avec du contenu saisonnier qui vaut vraiment le coup, surtout avec la prochaine maj !
A game that's had a lot of maj with seasonal content that's really worth it, especially with the next maj!
02-Aug-2024, 2:50 am on
C'est un jeux qui a fait un comeback gigantesque, avec des mises à jour continues au cours des huit dernières années, la dernière version du jeu offre de très beau graphismes et une exploration spatiale sans fin. Si vous êtes un fan de l'espace ce jeux fait partit des indispensables à mon sens.
It's a game that's made a gigantic comeback, with continuous updates over the last eight years, the latest version of the game offers beautiful graphics and endless space exploration. If you're a space fan, this game is a must-have in my book.
01-Aug-2024, 7:21 pm on
Super jeu, avec un gameplay qui varie, on peut faire des combats spatiaux, gérer une colonie, avoir une équipe spaciale et les envoyer en mission et avant tout explorer l'univers sans limite
Great game, with gameplay that varies: you can fight in space, manage a colony, have a space team and send them on missions and, above all, explore the universe without limits.
01-Aug-2024, 5:29 pm on
Un jeux d'ont les dev n'en ont pas rien a faire , ils le traite comme leur enfant , même si il n'était pas parfait , a la sortie et même loin de la , ils ont travaillé dur pour l'améliorer et àprésent , c'est un jeux tres amusant , beau , avec une très grande diversité de chose a faire , une histoir interessante . Je recommande fortement , en sachant que le jeux est toujours mis a jour .
A game where the devs don't give a damn, they treat it like their child, even if it wasn't perfect, when it came out and even far from it, they worked hard to improve it and now it's a very fun game, beautiful, with a great diversity of things to do, an interesting story. I highly recommend it, knowing that the game is always up to date.
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