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The successful FPS of Studio Bungie, also involved in the franchise Halo, returns with Destiny 2. The Guardians, after fighting the Vex, Fallen and Ruche, face a new threat, the Red Legion. The Empire, alerted by the victories of the Guardians, has decided to send a powerful army to annihilate once and for all humanity. Led by Dominus Ghaul, the Red Legion is made up of brand new Cabal units. The Guardians' respite will be short-lived, as the Red Legion hits the Last City, and its primary target is none other than the Tower, The Guardian Headquarters. Like its predecessor, Destiny 2 offers players the chance to create their character by choosing between three races: Humans, they experienced the Golden Age thanks to the Voyageur, which enabled them to develop their technology considerably and to triple their life expectancy. Since the arrival of the Darkness, they remain few and are relegated to the Last City. Of a courageous nature, they are determined to rebuild civilization as soon as possible. The Awakened are the descendants of humans who have tried to escape from darkness by fleeing to the confines of the solar system, but a dark and mysterious thing has changed them forever. They live mainly on The Reef, an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter, but some also live on Earth. The Exos are a humanoid and conscious robot race created by humans during the Golden Age. Their primary role was to protect their creators, but the memories of their former function have been erased. They have lived since then among humans, without knowing their own origins. In Destiny 2 you will also find the three classes present in the first opus: The Titan , a formidable warrior capable of generating and taking large damage. A melee-bearer, he possesses the most resistant armor among the three classes and is equipped with heavy weapons. He also plays the role of protector for his teammates. The new Super Sentinel of the Titan provides him with a shield of energy that he can ricochet on several enemies at a time. The Hunter, more discreet than other classes, is a fighter wearing lighter armor and is adept at precision rifles and handguns. He does not hesitate to use stealth to achieve his goals, he is also a remarkable swordsman. Arcstrider, his new super, allows him to handle an electric baton with which he can make fast and acrobatic attacks while doing significant damage. The Arcanist is a fighter full of wisdom, he uses the Light of the Traveler to fight and defend his teammates. He is also a specialist in modern weapons, and is characterized by his long mantle worn over his armor. With his new super he is able to rain balls of fire on his enemies and also to float in the air thanks to the wings of fire. The categories of weapons have been rethought. We now find the Kinetic, Energy and Powers slots, which replace the main, secondary and heavy weapons. This redesign allows the player to equip two machine guns simultaneously, in two different categories, Kinetics and Energy. Weapons Powers include sniper rifles, and a new weapon, the grenade launchers. In addition, unlike in Destiny, there will no longer be a random weapons statistics system in Destiny 2. There are three main game modes available in Destiny 2: Campaign mode, where you'll have to do anything to stop the Red Legion and take your home back from the enemy's hands and revive the Voyageur's Light. A multitude of side quests with many NPCs and allowing you to amass loot and climb levels await you as well. In addition, you will no longer need to be in orbit to move from one place to another. Co-operative Multiplayer, or PvE, allows you to take part in various fights between friends. Join the Assault, and go to explore dungeons with up to 3 other players, and destroy all enemies there. Or join 6 other players in a Raid to amass loot to improve your pieces of equipment and your weapons. With the new system of clans, you can form a group of players in order to take part in games more easily. Your in-game activities will also allow your clan to gain many benefits and bonuses. In addition, with the Guided Games system any single player can temporarily join a clan for the duration of a raid. In Competitive Multiplayer Mode, or PvP, you'll be competing against other players in 4-on-4 games in ruthless battles. Destiny 2 of course offers new maps, but also a new mode Countdown.

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(*) The best price is currently 147.46₹. We discovered this product available from 5 vendors supporting Steam on PC. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 9 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 97 comments already shared.

Comments on Destiny 2

27-Sep-2017, 11:30 am on
Enfin disponible sur PC ! étant un joueur uniquement pc, j'ai un mal fou à jouer avec une manette. Bien contant de pouvoir utiliser un clavier + souris :D
Finally available on PC! Being a PC only gamer, I have a hard time playing with a controller. Glad to be able to use a keyboard + mouse :D
dany jacques
24-Sep-2017, 6:45 pm on
j'ai toujours jouer a des jeu fps comme COD alors en ayant vu les bande annonce de ce jeu la je suis sur qu'il va me plaire et le 1 je n'ai pas pu jouer avec car il était uniquement sur console et je suis un joueur de pc
I've always played fps games like COD so having seen the trailers of this game I'm sure I'll like it and I couldn't play it because it was only on console and I'm a pc player
23-Sep-2017, 12:36 pm on
J'ai jouer au premier que récament mais j'ai adorée alors j'ai test la beta du deux sur PC et la... la claque graphique déjà et en plus une optimisation au petit oignon ! J'ai déjà hâte de faire le solo et peut être qu'il sera l'un des rare ou je jouerai en multi qui sait....
I played the first one only recently but I loved it so I tested the beta of the second one on PC and the... I'm already looking forward to the single player game and maybe it will be the best one yet. I can't wait to play the single player and maybe it will be one of the rare games where I'll play multiplayer who knows....
23-Sep-2017, 12:14 pm on
Franchement, Destiny a été une grand surprise pour moi puisque l'univers futuriste colle bien au gameplay de ce jeu contrairement à call of duty récemment. En plus, la présence de Destiny sur battlenet m'encourage grandement de jouer à ce jeu. :o
Honestly, Destiny was a great surprise for me since the futuristic universe fits well with the gameplay of this game unlike call of duty recently. Moreover, the presence of Destiny on battlenet greatly encourages me to play this game. :o
22-Sep-2017, 9:28 pm on
Je n ai pas joué au premier du nom mais il m a toujours tenté ... Mais pas la console non plus LOL Depuis que je sais qu il va sortir sur PC le deuxieme opus me fait grave envie !! L avoir gratos serait juste trop beau !!
I haven't played the first one but it always tempted me... But not the console either LOL Since I know that it will be released on PC the second opus makes me really want it! Having it for free would be just too good!
22-Sep-2017, 9:28 pm on
Inutile de fuir ou de lutter , c'est écrit dans notre destinée Tu ne pourras pas y échapper , c'est gravé Un compteur de framerate débloqué, 4K, FOV, SLI et 21:9 compatibilité Encore une fois le cœur déchiré, je suis un clown démaquillé Le grand rideau vient de se baisser sur l'été. Destiny je t'ai tant aimé, je veux te gagner !
No need to run or fight, it is written in our destiny You can't escape it, it's engraved An unlocked framerate meter, 4K, FOV, SLI and 21:9 compatibility Once again my heart is torn, I'm a clown without makeup The big curtain has just come down on the summer. Destiny I loved you so much, I want to win you!
22-Sep-2017, 9:02 pm on
Le 1 m'intéressée mais je n'est malheureusement pas la console alors sachant que le 2 sort enfin sur PC et au vue des bandes annonces juste épique et et épiquement drôle que les dev en on fait, il à l'air juste génial. C'est pour cela j'aimerais participer au concours, et surtout bonne chance à tous !
I was interested in the first one but unfortunately I don't have the console so knowing that the second one is finally coming out on PC and seeing the epic and epically funny trailers that the devs made, it looks just great. That's why I'd like to participate to the contest, and good luck to everyone !
22-Sep-2017, 6:04 pm on
Wow, j'ai une chance grace à de généreux et merveilleux donateurs de pouvoir jouer à ce jeu. Etant fan de FPS, je ne peux que prier les dieux du jeu vidéo (et celui qui lit) de m'accorder cet honneur. En vous souhaitant une excellente journée et de faire de la mienne la plus belle de ma vie, merci d'avance ! :)
Wow, I have a chance thanks to generous and wonderful donors to play this game. Being a FPS fan, I can only pray to the video game gods (and the one who reads) to grant me this honor. Wishing you a great day and making mine the best day of my life, thank you in advance! :)
22-Sep-2017, 5:31 pm on
Après avoir joué à la bêta (clé gracieusement offerte par Dlcompare, que je remercie), je n'attend plus qu'un jeu : Destiny 2. Quelle ne fut pas ma déception quand je me suis rendu compte que le jeu sortait 1 FOUTU MOIS plus tard que sur console ! Depuis mon attente est insoutenable, BF1 m'ennuie, League of Legend est trop salé et Guild Wars 2 a déjà été retourné ! Svp, rendez mon attente supportable en sachant que je pourrais y jouer dès sa sortie ! Merci !
After having played the beta (key graciously offered by Dlcompare, which I thank), I am only waiting for one more game: Destiny 2. What a disappointment it was when I realized that the game was released 1 FUCKING MONTH later than on console! Since then my wait is unbearable, BF1 bores me, League of Legend is too salty and Guild Wars 2 has already been returned! Please make my wait bearable by knowing that I could play it as soon as it's released! Thank you!
27-Oct-2017, 7:39 pm on
le premier était génial, faut que je prenne le 2 :)
the first one was great, I have to get the second one :)
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