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Control is an action-adventure that will let you discover the secrets hidden behind the supernatural activities in New York. You will play as Jesse Faden, a woman that's looking for her brother. He disappeared after a supernatural event happened in their hometown in their childhood, and she has learned that the Federal Bureau of Control has something to do with his disappearance.

The FBC is a secret agency of the government that takes care of supernatural events all over the country and whose base is located at the Oldest House, a huge skyscraper in Manhattan. When Jesse arrives at the place to look for her missing brother she accidentally gets involved in a series of events that end with the Bureau's director dead and with her appointed as the new director of the organization. She will learn that an otherworldly being known as the Hiss has the Bureau under attack and it´s corrupting the building and the agents inside. She will be tasked with restoring order to the Oldest House and neutralizing the invader.

On the gameplay side, Control is a third-person adventure with a flexible combat system that will allow Jesse to use different supernatural abilities and a special Service Weapon to deal with enemies in multiple ways. Jesse will traverse the shifting environments of the Oldest House at a non-linear pace, unlocking new abilities that will let her explore new areas and getting rid of all kinds of threats as she learns more about the Hiss and the Bureau.

Control features environmental destruction and a large world map, so exploring it all won't be an easy task. The Hiss has corrupted most of the people in the building and controls them, so you will have to get rid of them one way or another as you discover a way of sending the invading entity back to where it belongs or find a way of destroying it.

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Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

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PC  · Steam
Ultimate Edition
discount code -3% :  3DLC
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PC  · Steam
Rest of World
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
575.06₹  517.55₹
PC  · Steam
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Ultimate Edition
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PC  · Steam
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PC  · Steam
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PC  · Steam
discount code -3% :  3DLC
570.90₹  553.77₹
PC  · Steam
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635.91₹  604.11₹
PC  · Steam
Ultimate Edition
PC  · Steam
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PC  · Steam
Ultimate Edition
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PC  · GOG Galaxy
Ultimate Edition
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1193.62₹  1157.81₹
PC  · GOG Galaxy
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1326.39₹  1220.28₹
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PC  · Epic Games
Account selling
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
68.56₹  61.70₹
PC  · Epic Games
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pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
PC  · Steam
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pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
PC  · GOG Galaxy
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
955.58₹  860.02₹
PC  · Steam
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
1876.88₹  1689.19₹
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(*) The best price is currently 61.70₹. We discovered this product available from 10 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Epic Games, Xbox Live, Steam, GOG Galaxy & Sony PSN on 4 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 46 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 30 comments already shared.

Comments on Control

13-Jan-2022, 7:14 am on
J’ai été très agréablement surpris par ce jeu, graphiquement très beau, on y retrouve une des influences à la X-files et inception. Au fil de l'aventure de nouvelle zone qui était auparavant inaccessible va s'ouvrir à vous. Les pouvoirs sont variés, l'arme de service se métamorphose au fil du temps, c'est vraiment un jeu que je conseil
I was very pleasantly surprised by this game, graphically very beautiful, we find one of the influences to the X-files and inception. Throughout the adventure, new areas that were previously inaccessible will open up to you. The powers are varied, the weapon of service metamorphoses over time, it is really a game that I advise
30-Nov-2021, 12:20 am on
For people who like fast games and a twisted plot with paranormal phenomena, this game will really suit their taste. Full interaction with the environment and realistic physics give the game a special charm.
For people who like fast games and a twisted plot with paranormal phenomena, this game will really suit their taste. Full interaction with the environment and realistic physics give the game a special charm.
04-Sep-2019, 6:10 pm on
Bonsoir. Pour une fois scénario original (comme Alan Wake d'ailleurs) pour un TPS. Une seule arme à utiliser,pouvoirs paranormaux, dépaysement garanti. Je crois qu'il ne va pas falloir perdre le contrôle (oui c'est facile...) de notre héroïne dans ce dédale du BFC. A ajouter à ma bibliothèque. Merci DLcompare.
Good evening. For once, an original scenario (like Alan Wake) for a TPS. Only one weapon to use, paranormal powers, change of scenery guaranteed. I think we should not lose control (yes it's easy...) of our heroine in this CFB maze. To add to my library. Thanks DLcompare.
04-Sep-2019, 12:59 am on
Ce jeux est un chef d'œuvre créée par les créateurs d’Alane Wake et Max Payne, je serais vraiment heureux de pourvoir y jouer étant donné que je suis étudiant je ne peux pas me permettre de l’acheter. Alors je vous le demande humblement donner moi la chance de pouvoir toucher ce magnifique jeu et ainsi me permettre d’y jouer et de l’apprécier à sa juste valeur.
This game is a masterpiece created by the creators of Alane Wake and Max Payne, I would be really happy to be able to play it as I am a student I can't afford to buy it. So I humbly ask you to give me the chance to touch this wonderful game and allow me to play it and appreciate it to its true value.
03-Sep-2019, 9:13 pm on
Ayant vraiment adoré Quantum Break, le jeux CONTROL doit finir dans ma bibliothèque! Rare sont les jeux intéressants aujourd'hui. Ça ne sert a rien de tourner autour du pot. Je veux juste jouer a cette merveille :)
Having really loved Quantum Break, the CONTROL game must end up in my library! Rare are the interesting games today. It's useless to beat around the bush. I just want to play this wonder :)
03-Sep-2019, 8:14 pm on
Bonsoir, j'aimerais participer et voici pourquoi, ce jeu est le fruit du studio Remedy et ça me rappel énormément de jeu du même studio et l’environnement et la DA me séduit beaucoup surtout les fonctions apporter par la technologie du ray-tracing me donne la hype vu que j'envisage sincèrement de changer ma GTX 1080 pour une 2080 ça serait Super que je puisse gagner à ce concours et que je puisse tester Control comme ça je pourrais perdre totalement le Control face à ce magnifique jeu. Merci
Good evening, I would like to participate and here is why, this game is the fruit of the Remedy studio and it reminds me a lot of games of the same studio and the environment and the DA seduces me a lot especially the functions brought by the ray-tracing technology gives me the hype since I sincerely consider changing my GTX 1080 for a 2080 it would be great that I can win this contest and that I can test Control so that I can totally lose the Control in front of this magnificent game Thanks
le sidaner
02-Sep-2019, 8:38 pm on
Ces jeux spykologiques sont mes catégories préférer, je suis juste devenu fan de ce jeu quand j'ai vu le début du jeux, dedans il y tout ce que j'aime : des egnimes, un jeu solo, un jeu de tir où il crée du surréalisme et par de sur tout le personnage, on n'a l'impression qui nous parle à nous joueur ce qui rend le jeu plus immersif, aussi je trouve ça très rare qu'il y a des quêtes secondaires et ça c'est encore mieux. g pas pu l'acheter pour manque de moyens(le seum), vous serait mes sauveurs.
These spykological games are my favorite categories, I just became a fan of this game when I saw the beginning of the game, in it there is everything I like: egnimes, a single player game, a shooter where it creates surrealism and by all the character, we have the impression that speaks to us player what makes the game more immersive, also I find it very rare that there are side quests and that it is even better I couldn't buy it for lack of money (the seum), you would be my saviors.
01-Sep-2019, 2:42 pm on
Control a l'air démentiel. Les trailers montrent un univers riche, une ambiance futuriste minimaliste, et l'idée de pouvoir utiliser des pouvoirs télékinésiques (en particulier le vol, dont Jesse semble capable) semble super bien gérée ! Plus que tout, le scénario apparaît complexe, la narration flirtant avec l'angoissant/le thriller, et c'est vraiment le genre de jeux qui me font chavirer. J'en entends beaucoup de bien, j'ai lu des retours enthousiastes, et je suis curieux de le tester!
Control looks insane. The trailers show a rich universe, a minimalist futuristic atmosphere, and the idea of being able to use telekinetic powers (especially flight, which Jesse seems to be able to do) seems to be very well handled! More than anything, the storyline appears complex, the narrative flirting with the angsty/thriller, and it's really the kind of game that makes me drool. I hear a lot of good things about it, I read enthusiastic feedbacks, and I'm curious to test it!
01-Sep-2019, 12:17 pm on
Comment dire, fan de comics ( jean grey) et de star wars (jedi academy), on peut dire que la télékinésie me fait réver depuis longtemps. De plus, le studio Remedy n'a sorti que des jeux excellents : Max Payne et Quantum break en must donc je m'attend à un scénario de qualité et une bonne durée de jeu. La petite touche jeu de rôle me plait bien ainsi que les énigmes à la Deus Ex. Ajoutons à cela du multijoueur pour prolonger le plaisir, que demander de plus?
I'm a fan of comics (jean grey) and star wars (jedi academy), so I've been dreaming about telekinesis for a long time. Moreover, the Remedy studio has only released excellent games: Max Payne and Quantum Break are must-haves, so I'm expecting a good storyline and a long gameplay. I like the role-playing touch and the Deus Ex-like puzzles. Add to that multiplayer to extend the pleasure, what more could you ask for?
31-Aug-2019, 11:01 pm on
Une raison pour laquelle je veux ce jeu ? ... (inspire profondément) ... Cette direction artistique, par tous les saints, ça a l'air d'être du pur délire !!! Un mix entre une architecture brutaliste, jeux de lumière déments et délire autour de la déconstruction des environnements, le tout saupoudré par un pitsch à la David Lynch... Genre tout pour me trigger avant même la sortie... Et puis ces FXs, non mais ces FXs... (sob) ... Raaah mais need !!!
Any reason why I want this game? ... (inhales deeply) ... This art direction, by all the saints, looks like pure madness!!! A mix between a brutalist architecture, crazy light games and delirium around the deconstruction of the environments, the whole sprinkled by a pitsch to David Lynch... Like everything to trigger me before the release... And then these FXs, no but these FXs... (sob) ... Raaah but need !!!
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Control
  • Categories : Action, Adventure
  • Editor : Remedy Entertainment
  • Developer : Remedy Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Solo
  • Release date : 27 August 2020
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 7 (64 bit)
    • CPU : Core i5-4690 / FX 4350
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : Geforce GTX 780 / Radeon R9 280x
    • Storage : 42 GB
    • Recommended
    • OS : Windows 10 (64 bit)
    • CPU : Core i5-7600K / Ryzen 5 1600X
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : GeForce GTX 1660 / Radeon RX 580
    • Storage : 42 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 16 ESRB M