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Save humanity in Babylon’s Fall. This game is a collaboration between Platinum Games and Square Enix, the very same team that made 2017’s most compelling game, Nier:Automata.


The story takes place during the Halos Empire in the year CE 5000. The people in Albeland were focused on expanding their territory until they discovered the Oversoul. This is a mysterious energy source that gives the handler great power.
Seers were the first one who used Oversoul’s power. They induced visions of the future and made predictions on the things that could happen in the world. Then wrote these prophecies in the Ephesian Book, their own version of the Bible. One of those prophecies foretells the end of humanity at the hands of ‘all-consuming darkness.’

This has prompted Waland to travel South as he believes that he is the prophesied beacon of hope who will save humanity from extinction.

Regarding the gameplay, nothing much has been revealed about it. In the trailer, you can see multiple nomads, which suggests that there may be some co-op elements.

Reach he future with Babylon’s Fall!

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Comments on Babylon's Fall

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01-Mar-2022, 11:32 am on
Trop bon hâte de voir ce que ça donne
So good, can't wait to see how it turns out
13-Jan-2022, 12:05 pm on
hâte que ca sorte
can't wait for it to come out
11-Jan-2022, 12:05 am on
Un excellent jeux de très bonne immersion
An excellent game with a very good immersion
06-Jan-2022, 1:40 pm on
On n'en sais pas trop...mais ça à l'air cool
We don't know much about it...but it looks cool
04-Jan-2022, 12:29 am on
Despues de verlo durante 1 semana en twitch, me parece uno de los mejores juegos, a nivel grafico luce maravilloso, jugabilidad muy buena, se echa de menos ciertas cosillas, pero aun asi es un maravilloso juego.
After watching it for 1 week on twitch, I think it is one of the best games, graphics looks wonderful, very good gameplay, it misses certain things, but still is a wonderful game.
03-Jan-2022, 10:20 pm on
J'espère que ce RPG d'action fantastique sera agréable, comme je l'ai lu de non godd preview. Je veux être la Sentinelle pour monter les niveaux et m'amuser autant que possible, et je veux jouer avec mes amis.
I hope this fantasy action RPG will be enjoyable, as I read from non godd preview. I want to be the Sentinel to level up and have as much fun as possible, and I want to play with my friends.
03-Jan-2022, 5:56 am on
J'aime beaucoup les RPG. J'ai hâte de voir ce qu'il va donner
I really like RPGs. I can't wait to see how it will turn out
03-Jan-2022, 2:15 am on
Le jeu aurait nettement pu me hype, mais des éléments de gameplay ont l'air assez étranges...
The game could have definitely hype me, but some gameplay elements look quite strange...
30-Dec-2021, 12:03 am on
il est pas mal comme jeu vraiment bien
it is not bad as a game really good
29-Dec-2021, 4:10 pm on
J'espère que ce RPG d'action fantastique sera agréable, comme je l'ai lu de non godd preview. Je veux être la Sentinelle pour monter les niveaux et m'amuser autant que possible, et je veux jouer avec mes amis.
I hope this fantasy action RPG will be enjoyable, as I read from non godd preview. I want to be the Sentinel to level up and have as much fun as possible, and I want to play with my friends.
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