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Buy FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers at the Best Price

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The third expansion for Final Fantasy XIV brings a plethora of new content to Square Enix's MMORPG. It allows you to explore The First, a dying world plagued by Primordial Light. The story takes place in the region of Novrandt, where your adventures will take you through plenty of missions while you explore this uncharted land. 

Shadowbringers introduces two new jobs for the players. The Gunbreaker is a tank that wields a gunblade and wears plate armor. He is able to withstand lots of damage while punishing his foes severely. The Dancer is a ranged DPS that uses throwing weapons to decimate enemies with powerful attacks. There are two new races for the players to choose in the expansion too. The Viera are agile and reclusive people from the woods with long leporine ears. The Hrothgar are fierce lion-like people originary from Ilsabard.

When it comes to gameplay, Shadowbringers raises the level cap in the game to 80 and introduces a new "Trust" system that allows you to explore dungeons accompanied by familiar NPCs. The battle system has been revamped, and now Tactical Points and Magic Points have been combined into a single resource. Of course, Shadowbringers includes new dungeons for you to explore too, a total of nine, and two new raids, YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse for 24 players and Eden for 8. If tradeskills are your thing, the expansion challenges you with the restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard, a colossal task that requires your help as an expert artisan.

With plenty of new locations to discover, new beast tribes, new primals, and a whole lot of new surprises, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers is an expansion that you can't miss.

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This game is a DLC and needs to be used with the complete version of the game : Final Fantasy XIV

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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
903.41₹  813.07₹

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Comments on FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers

30-Jun-2024, 9:19 pm on dlcompare.es
Shadowbringers eleva el tope de nivel del juego a 80 e introduce un nuevo sistema de "confianza" que permite explorar mazmorras. También introduce dos nuevos trabajos para los jugadores. El Gunbreaker y el Dancer
Shadowbringers raises the game's level cap to 80 and introduces a new "trust" system that allows dungeon exploration. It also introduces two new jobs for players. The Gunbreaker and the Dancer
30-Jun-2024, 6:08 pm on dlcompare.fr
Pas vraiment la meilleure extension du jeu niveau histoire et déroulement mais certains personnages arrivent vous faire oublier les passages avec de la longueur.
Not exactly the game's best expansion in terms of story and flow, but some of the characters manage to make you forget the long passages.
30-Jun-2024, 8:29 am on dlcompare.es
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers es el tercer paquete de expansión de Final Fantasy XIV. Shadowbringers tiene lugar en una dimensión paralela al borde del colapso, donde el personaje del jugador es convocado para rescatar y restaurar el mundo.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is the third expansion pack for Final Fantasy XIV. Shadowbringers takes place in a parallel dimension on the brink of collapse, where the player character is summoned to rescue and restore the world.
28-Jun-2024, 9:03 pm on dlcompare.fr
Il parait que c'est une bonne extension mais encore une fois je connais rien du jeu mais le fait que les mmo soient sous forme d'abonnements et voués à s'éteindre un jour me rebute un peu...
I've heard it's a good expansion, but then again I don't know anything about the game, but the fact that mmo's are subscription-based and doomed to die out one day puts me off a bit...
28-Jun-2024, 10:59 am on dlcompare.fr
J'avais beaucoup apprécié Shadowbringer si ce n'est le dénouement final, que je qualifie de paresseux. La solution au problème qu'il se pose est beaucoup trop simple, beaucoup trop stupide, trop dommage. En dehors de ça, les combats étaient cools, avec une excellente OST.
I'd really enjoyed Shadowbringer, except for the final denouement, which I'd describe as lazy. The solution to the problem it poses is far too simple, far too stupid, too bad. Apart from that, the fights were cool, with an excellent OST.
28-Jun-2024, 9:45 am on dlcompare.es
La historia es simplemente brutal de principio a fin, una montaña rusa de sentimientos, una de las mejores de la saga en mucho tiempo e incluso de otros juegos en general. Y el final del juego, la verdad detrás de todo... es impresionante.
The story is simply brutal from beginning to end, a roller coaster of feelings, one of the best of the saga in a long time and even of other games in general. And the end of the game, the truth behind it all... it's awesome.
6650b9aeb29f2@austin miguel rodriguez santos
27-Jun-2024, 2:39 am on dlcompare.es
me emociona el tener que jugar +200 horas para llegar a poder a esta expansión y seguir disfrutando más, seguramente al terminar ya estaría saliendo la próxima expansión lo cual estaría siendo guay. De por sí los MMO siempre te van a exigir tiempo, y si este se ve como uno que tiene para largo rato seguramente vale la pena
I'm excited to have to play +200 hours to get to be able to play this expansion and continue enjoying it more, surely when I finish the next expansion would be coming out which would be cool. MMO's are always going to demand time, and if this one looks like one that will be around for a long time, it's surely worth it.
26-Jun-2024, 9:39 pm on dlcompare.fr
L'histoire est sombre et captivante, les nouvelles zones sont magnifiques, et les nouveaux jobs apportent du fun. C'est l'une des meilleures extensions à ce jour, vraiment incontournable !
The story is dark and captivating, the new zones are magnificent, and the new jobs are great fun. It's one of the best expansions to date, and a must-have!
26-Jun-2024, 6:37 pm on dlcompare.fr
J'avais beaucoup apprécié Shadowbringers si ce n'est le dénouement final, que je qualifie de paresseux. La solution au problème qu'il se pose est beaucoup trop simple, beaucoup trop stupide, trop dommage. En dehors de ça, les combats étaient cools, avec une excellente OST.
I really enjoyed Shadowbringers, except for the final denouement, which I'd describe as lazy. The solution to the problem it poses is far too simple, far too stupid, too bad. Apart from that, the fights were cool, with an excellent OST.
26-Jun-2024, 6:30 pm on dlcompare.es
El pvp en mi opinión es basura, pero la historia de mazmorras / incursión / molienda, etc. es francamente divertida, siempre disfruté de la música de todas las mazmorras, te dejará boquiabierto.
The pvp in my opinion is garbage, but the dungeon/raiding/grinding etc story is downright fun, I always enjoyed the music in all the dungeons, it will blow your mind.
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