Buy FIFA 20 at the Best Price

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The newest FIFA comes with a new series of improvements. The new Volta Football mode in FIFA 20 is an improved version of the Futsal street-style matches from the FIFA Street series. You'll be able to play 3v3 Rush (no goalies), 4v4, 4v4 Rush, 5v5 and Professional Futsal matches in indoor and outdoor matches in bespoke stadiums from around the world. It comes with a campaign mode, online leagues and squads and customizable player avatars, male and female.
Some of the gameplay changes include improved 'football intelligence,' less emphasis on pace, and manual defending. This new combination of features tweaks on the ball, off the ball and the play of the ball itself. Spin will now also affect the trajectory of the ball, with more realistic deflections
A new system comes to penalty and free kicks, making them easier. Free kicks, in particular, are completely revamped, giving you greater control of spin on a shot.
AI defending will now be less effective than when the player is manually defending, to create a balance which will see players who make an effort to manually defend feel that it's more rewarding.
FUT mode receives some changes too. Objectives are expanded and you will see new types and also seasonal rewards, There will bee more customization options, like Stadium themes and unique custom balls among other things. Finally, there will be friendly 11v11 matches in which you can apply custom house rules.

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Best deals for FIFA 20

Use your activation code to download the game from EA App.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

PC  · EA app
Gold Pack
PC  · EA app
discount code -12% :  DLC12
4657.60₹  4098.69₹
PC  · EA app
discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
4730.30₹  4257.27₹
PC  · EA app
discount code -3% :  3DLC
4650.52₹  4511.00₹
PC  · EA app
discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
5962.92₹  5247.37₹
PC  · EA app
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
PC  · EA app
Account selling
discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
945.21₹  831.78₹
PC  · EA app
Account selling
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE

(*) The best price is currently 50.47₹. We discovered this product available from 8 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: EA app & Xbox Live on 3 platforms - PC, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 4 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 15 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 23 comments already shared.

Comments on FIFA 20

02-Sep-2019, 10:15 am on
Imagez vous les chants au loin, qui résonnent puis d'un coup c'est vous . Vous passez du public au terrain. Vous en aviez rêvé toute votre vie. Le stade bien rempli. Vous êtes à domicile. Pierre mènes est votre coach il vous dit que vous êtes son dernier espoir. Personne ne vous connait. Sauf un homme.. Éric cantona qui vous a vu vous entraîner dans votre club de quartier et qui vous dira c'est toi. C'est ton tour. FIFA est à toi et tu deviendras une star. (Je participe)
Imagine the chants in the distance, echoing and then suddenly it's you. You go from the audience to the field. You've been dreaming about it all your life. The stadium is full. You are at home. Pierre mènes is your coach, he tells you that you are his last hope. Nobody knows you. Except one man. Eric Cantona who has seen you train in your neighborhood club and who will tell you it's you. It's your turn. FIFA is yours and you will become a star. (I participate)
20-Nov-2019, 5:13 pm on
Je participe, afin d'essayer de devenir un grand entraineur ou joueur parmi les modes carrières proposés, avec les nouveautés en plus apportés cette année. Les mods proposés des différentes communautés qui donneront également plus de vie au jeux. Hâte de voir tout ça :)
I participate, to try to become a great coach or player among the proposed career modes, with the novelties in addition brought this year. The mods proposed by the different communities that will also give more life to the game. Can't wait to see all this :)
19-Nov-2019, 4:19 pm on
Je participe parce que ca fais 8 mois que j'suis au chomage et que je joue que au même jeu fortnite depuis si longtemps...
I'm participating because I've been unemployed for 8 months and I've been playing the same fortnite game for so long...
05-Nov-2019, 8:52 pm on
se è tutto come il trailer allora è ecceziunale vramente
if it is all like the trailer then it is exceptional vraziunale vramente
05-Nov-2019, 7:43 pm on
Je participe afin de jouer avec l'OM contre un le PSG en mode amateur afin de voir une victoire contre la capitale. VIVE L'OM
I participate to play with OM against PSG in amateur mode to see a victory against the capital. LONG LIVE OM
05-Nov-2019, 1:38 pm on
E' tornato l'influencer grasso dal futuro e viene qui a commentare e a partecipare al concorso per avere uno strumento (Fifa 20) per sconfiggere il suo arci-nemico, tale Sirio dalle Scarpe di Neve, nella disciplina calcistica digitale.
The fat influencer from the future is back and comes here to comment and participate in the competition to have a tool (Fifa 20) to defeat his arch-enemy, such Sirius from Snow Shoes, in the digital football discipline.
03-Nov-2019, 5:32 pm on
Bonjour je participe pour gagner fifa car cela fait longtemps que je joue a tout les fifa il ne manque plus que celui si a ma collection et j'aimerais pouvoir emmener mon equipe au plus haut niveau
Hello I participate to win fifa because it's been a long time that I play all the fifa it lacks only that one to my collection and I would like to be able to take my team to the highest level
03-Nov-2019, 1:33 am on
El FIFA es un juego que engancha mucho y tiene muchas horas de juego, justo por eso lo necesito porque me aburro, y encima tengo el presupuesto de un niño de 5 años, asi que si me toca el sorteo me haceis un favor :)
FIFA is a game that hooks a lot and has many hours of play, just for that reason I need it because I get bored, and I have the budget of a 5 year old, so if I get the draw you do me a favor :)
01-Nov-2019, 4:25 pm on
Mon banquier ne m'a pas accordé mon prêt pour acheté FIFA20 !
My banker didn't give me my loan to buy FIFA20!
31-Oct-2019, 10:35 pm on
Mon chat a manger mon jeu :/ J'participe
My cat ate my game :/ I participate
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : FIFA 20
  • Categories : Simulation, Sports Sim
  • Editor : Electronic Arts
  • Developer : Electronic Arts
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
  • Release date : 27 September 2019
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 7
    • CPU : AMD Phenom II X4 965 / Intel Core i3-2100
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : Radeon HD 7850 / GTX 660
    • Storage : 50 GB
  • Age Rating