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Raging Loop is a psychological horror story that takes place in the secluded Japanese village of Yasumizu. In this visual novel, you will play as Haruaki Fusaishi, a young mang that accidentally arrives at the town when his motorbike gets broken. Yasumizu turns out to be a very weird place where a strange ritual called the Feast is about to start. You decide to leave the village as soon as possible, but before you can do so, the place gets covered in a red mist, and corpses appear, marking the start of the Feast.
According to the story, the villagers have inherited the powers of five animal spirits that guarded the mountain where the town is located. The wolves kill one person every day during the Feast. The Snake can see if someone is a wolf or a spirit. The Spider can protect one person from being killed by the wolves. The two Monkeys know each other's identity. The Crow can tell if a corpse belonged to a wolf or a human. Just with those clues, you will have to discover who the killer is and try to escape the village, because the townsfolk have decided to choose one person to be hanged every day until the wolves are identified.
In Raging Loop, you will be immersed in an almost endless nightmare where you can rewind the story and take different decisions to learn about the outcome and the motivations of the villagers to ultimately try to escape alive from this madness.
Raging Loop
Raging Loop is a psychological horror story that takes place in the secluded Japanese village of Yasumizu. In this visual novel, you will play as Haruaki Fusaishi, a young mang that accidentally arrives at the town when his motorbike gets broken. Yasumizu turns out to be a very weird place where a strange ritual called the Feast is about to start. You decide to leave the village as soon as possible, but before you can do so, the place gets covered in a red mist, and corpses appear, marking the start of the Feast.
According to the story, the villagers have inherited the powers of five animal spirits that guarded the mountain where the town is located. The wolves kill one person every day during the Feast. The Snake can see if someone is a wolf or a spirit. The Spider can protect one person from being killed by the wolves. The two Monkeys know each other's identity. The Crow can tell if a corpse belonged to a wolf or a human. Just with those clues, you will have to discover who the killer is and try to escape the village, because the townsfolk have decided to choose one person to be hanged every day until the wolves are identified.
In Raging Loop, you will be immersed in an almost endless nightmare where you can rewind the story and take different decisions to learn about the outcome and the motivations of the villagers to ultimately try to escape alive from this madness.
(*) The best price is currently 473.00₹. We discovered this product available from 3 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: Steam & Sony PSN on 2 platforms - PC & PS4. The game comes in Standard edition. Our price comparison tool has identified 4 digital offers.
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