Buy Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake at the Best Price

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    3926.88  PC

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake is a new version of the classic action game. Play once more as the Prince as he tries to save your kingdom from the machinations of the evil Vizier. He deceived you and made you release the Sands of Time, turning almost everyone in the kingdom into monsters. Only you, the Vizier and Maharaja's daughter, Farah, have escaped from that fate. Using the Dagger of Time you escape from the Vizier's grasp along with Farah, and you will have to find a way of stopping the Vizier and return the kingdom back to normal. The artifact allows you to reverse, accelerate, freeze, and slow time itself, and it will be an invaluable asset to accomplish your mission.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake features enhanced and more realistic graphics, modernized controls, and new cinematics that will make your adventure in ancient Persia better than ever before. As you play through the game, you will also be able to unlock the original Prince of Persia from 1989, which you will be able to access and play anytime.

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