Buy Hogwarts Legacy at the Best Price

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Hogwarts Legacy is an epic adventure that will let you discover the magical world of Harry Potter in the 1800s. Although the game takes place many years before the events narrated in JK Rowling's novels, it's an open-world action role-playing game in which you play as another singular student of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You hold the key of an ancient secret that could tear the wizarding world apart and you will be the one who decides what use you will make of that knowledge, either protecting it for the good of all or maybe using it for dark purposes in order to gain unfathomable power.

In Hogwarts Legacy, you will visit familiar and brand new locations as you progress in your magic studies. You will learn spells, concoct magic potions and immerse yourself in a world full of magic inside the walls of the school, but you will also be able to explore the world outside of Hogwarts, where thrilling adventures are waiting for you. The game features an expansive open-world environment full of secrets and magical creatures, allowing players to explore iconic locations from the Harry Potter universe such as Hogsmeade Village, Forbidden Forest and more. Just make sure that you are prepared enough to face any threat because the secret you hold will undoubtedly make you the target of people who would use it for their own agenda.

Hogwarts Legacy features unique ways of traversing the world. You can learn how to fly on a broom and even ride flying monsters to get from one place to another. Also, the game features an exciting action-based combat system that lets you fling spells and your enemies with your magic wand for a variety of effects. You even get to use the powerful Unforgivable Curses and practice in duels in the Dark Arts Battle Arena.

Hogwarts Legacy is a really immersive experience that even has room for personalization. The game gives you access to your own Room of Requirement, a customizable magic space that you can fill up with a variety of useful things.

With its stunning visuals, captivating story and engaging gameplay, Hogwarts Legacy is sure to provide an unforgettable experience for fans of the Harry Potter franchise who have been waiting for years for a chance to explore this beloved world once again.

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Best deals for Hogwarts Legacy

Use your CD key on Steam.

Use your key on Epic Games launcher to download your game

Download your game on Switch with the Nintendo eShop

Use your PS5 code on the Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

-Thestral Mount
-Dark Arts Battle Arena
-Dark Arts Cosmetic Set
-Dark Arts Garrison Hat
-72 Hours Early Access

  • Onyx Hippogriff Mount
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(*) The best price is currently 712.86₹. We discovered this product available from 15 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Steam, Epic Games, Xbox Live, Nintendo eShop & Sony PSN on 6 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 4 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 76 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 158 comments already shared.

Comments on Hogwarts Legacy

15-Feb-2023, 12:15 am on
Alors certes, le lore est intéressant, respectueux de la franchise, mais une chose me chagrine. Je ne suis pas un grand fan de l'univers, mais pour le coup, Poudlard ne sert que de carte postale. On n'a pas l'impression d'être dans une école de magie, pas de sensations d’appartenir à une maison, de devoir suivre des cours, pas de quidditch (mais ca se comprend) etc...
So certainly, the lore is interesting, respectful of the franchise, but one thing bothers me. I'm not a big fan of the universe, but for the time being, Hogwarts is only a postcard. We don't have the impression to be in a school of magic, no feeling of belonging to a house, of having to follow courses, no quidditch (but it is understandable) etc...
15-Feb-2023, 12:11 am on
Un bon jeux comme on en a pas eut depuis quelques temps ! On retrouve l'univers d'Harry Potter, qui pour moi a accompagné mon enfance, et nous permet de l'explorer. Découvrir le château de Poudlard et l'arpenter pour essayer de percer toutes ses énigmes était vraiment un point essentiel pour moi, et je suis comblé ! On mettra un bémol sur l'optimisation parfois aux fraises !
A good game as we have not had for some time! We find the universe of Harry Potter, which for me accompanied my childhood, and allows us to explore it. Discovering the Hogwarts castle and walking through it to try to solve all its enigmas was really an essential point for me, and I'm satisfied! We will put a downside on the optimization sometimes at the strawberries!
14-Feb-2023, 12:28 am on
De ce que j'ai vu le jeu a l'air très intéressant et dynamique comparant à ce qu'on pourrait attendre d'un jeu qui consiste à faire mouvoir une baguette avant chaque attaque
From what I've seen the game looks very interesting and dynamic compared to what you would expect from a game that consists of moving a wand before each attack
Frank Redel
13-Feb-2023, 11:24 pm on
uanto mas lo veo en los directos, mas ganas tengo de jugarlo xd, voy a ver si haciendo un revelio, consigo el hechizo perfecto para ganar la tarjeta y me hago un abracadabra y, tachaaaannnn!!!!, el juego aparece para mi pc, :) .
The more I see it in the live shows, the more I want to play it xd, I'm going to see if by doing a revelio, I get the perfect spell to win the card and I do an abracadabra and, tachaaaannnn!!!!, the game appears for my pc, :) .
11-Feb-2023, 6:45 pm on
Vous pouvez l'acheter les yeux fermer et penser à bien lier votre compte avec celui de Warner pour des rewards.
You can buy it with your eyes closed and remember to link your account with Warner for rewards.
10-Feb-2023, 9:59 pm on
Je ne sais pas vraiment à quoi m'attendre, j'espère que les combats ne sont pas trop mou... Pour 35e ça vaut peut-être le coup de tester
I don't really know what to expect, I hope the fights are not too soft... For 35e it might be worth a try
10-Feb-2023, 5:43 pm on
Jeu qui se laisser désiré avec tous ces streamers qui y joue. Cependant j'aurai apprécier un multi-joueur surtout lorsque l'on connait l'immense communauté fan de l'octalogie d'Harry Potter.
Game that leaves itself desired with all these streamers who play it. However I would have appreciated a multiplayer especially when you know the huge fan community of the Harry Potter octalogy.
63e64c1ea1ee1@sceau domie
10-Feb-2023, 2:53 pm on
Ce jeu à l'air très propre graphiquement, les énigmes et puzzles très bien faites. On voit le travail passionné des développeurs sur l'univers Harry Potter. C'est pour moi un jeu à ne pas raté cette année.
This game looks very clean graphically, the riddles and puzzles very well done. You can see the passionate work of the developers on the Harry Potter universe. It is for me a game not to be missed this year.
10-Feb-2023, 11:36 am on
Superbe jeu, très immersif. Pour les fans d'Harry Potter ou non, vous trouverez ici un jeu avec une bonne durée de vie et un univers propre, détaillé ! Un gameplay plutôt dynamique et une mise en scène impressionnante, surtout le début ! Peut être un peu répétitif malgré une histoire plutot intéressante
Great game, very immersive. For Harry Potter fans or not, you will find here a game with a good life span and a clean, detailed universe! A rather dynamic gameplay and an impressive setting, especially the beginning! Maybe a bit repetitive despite a rather interesting story
10-Feb-2023, 11:11 am on
La direction artistique semble impeccable dans les environnements intérieurs comme à Poudlard mais un peu plus monotone dans l'open world. Je compte tout de même me laisser tenter vu les retours de la presse.
The art direction seems impeccable in the indoor environments like Hogwarts but a bit more monotonous in the open world. I'm still going to try it because of the press feedbacks.
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Hogwarts Legacy
  • Categories : Action, Adventure, Role-Playing, Puzzle, Story-Rich
  • Editor : Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
  • Developer : Avalanche
  • Mode(s) : Solo
  • Release date : 10 February 2023
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • CPU : Core i5-6600 / Ryzen 5 1400
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon RX 470
    • Storage : 85 GB
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Core i7-8700 / Ryzen 5 3600
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : GeForce 1080 Ti / Radeon RX 5700 XT
    • Storage : 85 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 16 ESRB T