Buy Pokemon Legends: Arceus at the Best Price

Pokemon Legends: Arceus takes you on a journey to the past to gather new and never-before-seen Pokemon. The mysterious Arceus sends you back in time to the Hisui region, which is based on Japan’s Hokkaido. From your base in Jubilife Village, you must go on survey missions throughout several areas, aiming to create the region's very first Pokedex—a complete listing of Hisui’s Pokemon population!

An action RPG, Pokemon Legends: Arceus keeps the core gameplay of finding, capturing, and training Pokemon, but includes new mechanics to keep things fresh. Much like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you can explore several biomes that are teeming with wild creatures. You can capture wild Pokemon by hurling a Pokeball at them. Once you’ve trained a Pokemon to be your ally, you can engage any wild Pokemon by tossing a Pokeball containing your ally near them. You can also travel the land by using Pokemon as mounts. But be careful, because now you can be attacked by wild Pokemon. If you take too much damage, you’ll end up back at your village.

The time rift has caused several Noble Pokemon to go berserk, so you must find each of these powerful creatures, fight them, and tame them so they calm down. Along with several side quests and hundreds of Pokemon to find and capture, you’ll find Pokemon Legends: Arceus is one epic journey from start to finish!

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Best deals for Pokemon Legends Arceus

Download your game on Switch with the Nintendo eShop

Switch  · Nintendo Switch
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discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
2496.46₹  2196.88₹
Switch  · Nintendo Switch
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
3413.91₹  3072.52₹
Switch  · Nintendo Switch
Account selling
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE

(*) The best price is currently 2196.88₹. We discovered this product available from 3 vendors supporting Nintendo eShop on Switch. The game comes in Standard edition. Our price comparison tool has identified 3 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 12 comments already shared.

Comments on Pokemon Legends: Arceus

05-Feb-2024, 12:36 pm on
Très bon pas en avent pour la licence et style de jeux qu'on aurai attendu depuis longtemps. Super jeux si c'était sortit sur la game cube (Vue les graphisme du jeux et le découpage en zone on pourrai croire un Jeux de la fin de la PS1 voir début PS2) Pour 60€ comme le prix de départ il vos mieux l'éviter mais pour 30€ sa vos le coup et tire sur la fibre nostalgique car c'est le jeux qu'on aurai tous voulus avoir il y a 20ans ;)
Very good step forward for the license and style of game we've been waiting for. Great game if it had been released on the game cube (given the graphics and the zoning, you'd think it was a game from the end of the PS1 or the beginning of the PS2). For 60€ as the starting price, you'd be better off avoiding it, but for 30€, it's worth it and it tugs at the nostalgic heartstrings because it's the game we all wish we'd had 20 years ago ;)
02-Feb-2022, 9:10 pm on
No es perfecto, podría ser mucho mejor, pero dejando a un lado todo lo negativo es bastante entretenido y puede brindarte muchas horas de juego.
It's not perfect, it could be much better, but leaving aside all the negatives, it's quite entertaining and can give you many hours of gameplay.
23-Jan-2022, 11:09 am on
tengo muchas expectativas en este juego
I have high expectations for this game
22-Jan-2022, 11:32 am on
Malgré des graphismes decevant je veux quand meme lui donner ça chance on verra bien l'ambiance et l'histoire on l'air agreable plus le combo open world pourquoi pas
Despite the disappointing graphics I still want to give it a chance we'll see the atmosphere and the story looks nice plus the open world combo why not
11-Jan-2022, 12:20 am on
Alors, pour ma part je suis un grand déçu de Pokemon depuis Soleil et Lune. Maintenant, je suis content (au vu des trailers ou de ce qu'on l'a vu) de les voir prendre une direction un peu différente. Cela dit, ça reste Pokémon, une déception est vite arrivée...
So, for my part, I'm a big disappointment of Pokemon since Sun and Moon. Now, I'm happy (from the trailers or from what we saw) to see them take a little different direction. That being said, it's still Pokemon, a disappointment can happen quickly...
Daniel 123
10-Jan-2022, 12:07 am on
espero que sea un buen mundo abierto y pasar horas allí.
I hope it will be a good open world and spend hours there.
08-Jan-2022, 4:29 pm on
J'ai vraiment hâte que Pokémon legends Arceus sorte car je suis énormemnt fan de cette saga, j'ai vu des images du jeu, il doit être un monstre de touts les jeux pokémon confondu.
I can't wait for Pokémon Legends Arceus to be released because I'm a huge fan of this saga, I've seen pictures of the game, it must be a monster of all the Pokémon games.
07-Jan-2022, 9:08 am on
J'ai vraiment hâte que Pokémon legends Arceus sorte car je suis énormemnt fan de cette saga, j'ai vu des images du jeu, il doit être un monstre de touts les jeux pokémon confondu.
I can't wait for Pokémon Legends Arceus to be released because I'm a huge fan of this saga, I've seen pictures of the game, it must be a monster of all the Pokémon games.
07-Jan-2022, 12:11 am on
Jamais été fan des pokemon, mais en open world, ça peut être sympa !
Never been a fan of pokemon, but in open world, it can be nice!
06-Jan-2022, 3:23 am on
Il a l'air pas mal ce pokemon, il change un peu par rapport aux autres avec son aspect open-world, hâte de le découvrir.
This pokemon looks good, it's a bit different from the others with its open-world aspect, I can't wait to discover it.
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