Buy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 at the Best Price

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Activision offers us a new installment of the most popular fitst-person Shooting series of all time. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 marks the return of the Task Force 141. Join the legendary multinational special operations unit as they fight new threats all over the globe. In the sequel to the beloved Call of Duty from 2019, Captain John Price, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, and Simon "Ghost" Riley will face a menace with deep connections that are yet to be discovered. The campaign will take them across the world with missions in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Colonel Alejandro Vargas from the Mexican Special Forces will join them as a new member of the iconic team. Toggether, they will take on a wide variety of missions that include airdrop and underwater assaults, stealth missions during the night, and more.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 takes the series to a new era with new features that include Special Ops, a tactical co-op mode for two players that will allow you to hone your skills on challenging scenarios. Bigger scale multiplayer will also see changes, with the revamp of the Gunsmith mode, the return of some fan-favorite modes from previous games like Demolition and Headquarter, and also the addition of a couple of new ones, Bounty and Knockout, that will introduce innovative gameplay mechanics.

On the technical side, not only Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 features state-of-the-art graphics thanks to a new engine, but also a new advanced AI system that grants the NPCs tactical awareness and make them fight in a more realistic way than ever. 

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 offers an intense gaming experience with its single-player campaign, immersive multiplayer combat and engaging co-op Special Ops missions. With its variety of game modes and seasonal content updates that bring new maps, weapons, operators and customization options to the table, this game has something for everyone to enjoy!

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Best deals for CoD Modern Warfare 2

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(*) The best price is currently 1730.20₹. We discovered this product available from 7 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: Sony PSN, Xbox Live, Steam & on 4 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 4 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 19 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 41 comments already shared.

Comments on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

10-Nov-2023, 12:56 am on
Pas mon Call of Duty préféré, mais déjà meilleur que le premier opus !
Not my favorite Call of Duty, but already better than the first opus!
08-Nov-2023, 11:29 pm on
devo essere d'accordo con alcuni colleghi player che hanno maldigerito questo capitolo, anche se a me non è dispiaciuto affatto. Il gameplay più ragionato della modalità storia che si avvicina (ci prova almeno), in maniera quasi strisciante, ai vecchi battlefield, una regia quasi sempre impeccabile e visivamente impattante. Troppi problemi il multiplayer, oltre a essere quasi un altro gioco
I have to agree with some fellow players who have begrudged this chapter, although I didn't mind it at all. The more reasoned gameplay of the story mode that comes close (it tries at least), in an almost creeping way, to the old battlefields, an almost always impeccable and visually impactful direction. Too many problems the multiplayer, besides being almost another game
08-Nov-2023, 5:54 pm on
Call of c'est comme CS en moins tactique et les gens achètent le jeu 50 fois pour jouer au même jeu avec un nom différent... Vraiment je ne comprend pas... alors un remake d'un dlc payé plein pot 50 fois, franchement, pour moi c'est une License de pigeon, sans offense.
Call of is like CS but less tactical, and people buy the game 50 times to play the same game with a different name... I really don't get it... so a remake of a dlc paid full price 50 times, frankly, for me it's a sucker's license, no offense.
07-Nov-2023, 1:02 pm on
Ce Call of Duty est très mitigé du fait qu'il porte le nom d'un des Call of mythique qui est MW2 2009 alors qu'il ne lui arrive même pas a la paume des pieds.
This Call of Duty is very mixed, given that it's named after one of the mythical Call of Duty games, MW2 2009, but doesn't even come close.
07-Nov-2023, 12:26 pm on
Se trata de un juego muy bien realizado, que ofrece una experiencia de disparos intensa, realista y variada, tanto en su modo campaña como en su multijugador. Sin embargo, también creo que el juego tiene algunos aspectos mejorables, como el modo cooperativo, que me ha parecido poco inspirado, o la falta de innovación en algunos aspectos, como el diseño de los mapas o las mecánicas de las misiones.
It is a very well made game, which offers an intense, realistic and varied shooting experience, both in its campaign mode and in its multiplayer. However, I also think that the game has some aspects that could be improved, such as the cooperative mode, which I found uninspired, or the lack of innovation in some aspects, such as the design of the maps or the mechanics of the missions.
07-Nov-2023, 1:09 am on
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ha sido elogiado por la crítica y los fanáticos por su campaña cinematográfica, su multijugador atractivo y sus gráficos impresionantes. Muchos lo consideran uno de los mejores juegos de Call of Duty de los últimos años.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has been praised by critics and fans alike for its cinematic campaign, engaging multiplayer and stunning graphics. Many consider it one of the best Call of Duty games in recent years.
6512b6ced35e2@younes petit
07-Nov-2023, 12:55 am on
Le mode histoire est bien le jeu est beau mais bon franchement c'est toujours plus ou moin la même chose le multi est sympa et il y a beaucoup de monde pour que chaque joueur trouve son compte.
The story mode is good, the game looks good, but frankly, it's always more or less the same. The multiplayer mode is nice, and there's plenty of people to choose from, so there's something for everyone.
06-Nov-2023, 5:25 pm on
Ho giocato per tutto l'anno a MW2 e devo dire che dalla season 2 il gioco ha preso una brutta piega. La campagna è stata ottima invece
I have been playing MW2 all year, and I must say that since season 2 the game has taken a turn for the worse. The campaign on the other hand has been great
06-Nov-2023, 4:22 pm on
Comme tous les ans, ils prennent l'argent des joueurs (70euros tous les ans), personnellement je trouve sa scandaleux pour des jeux "réchauffer". Les seuls point positifs aux COD depuis le reboot du Modern warfare 1 Jeu très beau visuellement et bien dynamique Après bien sur, si les fans des COD sont près a payer 70 euros tous les ans pour "du réchauffer", grand bien leur fasse
Like every year, they take money from gamers (70 euros every year), personally I find this scandalous for "warm-up" games. The only positive points to COD since the reboot of Modern Warfare 1 Game very beautiful visually and well dynamic After course, if COD fans are willing to pay 70 euros every year for "warm-up", good for them.
06-Nov-2023, 4:09 pm on
La campaña me pareció bastante aburrida. La campaña fue capaz de expandir lo que hizo que el original fuera tan genial, pero finalmente fracasó en su final solo para dejarte con un suspenso sin una resolución adecuada para el verdadero enemigo mientras introducías un nuevo enemigo. Sin embargo, disfruté la forma en que la campaña se expandió en los conceptos básicos, por ejemplo, los niveles de AC-130 siempre se sintieron como un regalo, pero el nuevo CoD 2 te enseña los conceptos básicos
I found the campaign to be rather boring. The campaign was able to expand on what made the original so great, but ultimately failed in its ending only to leave you with a cliffhanger without a proper resolution to the real enemy while introducing a new enemy. However, I did enjoy the way the campaign expanded on the basics, e.g., the AC-130 levels always felt like a treat, but the new CoD 2 teaches you the basics
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : COD MW2
  • Categories : Action, First-Person Shooter, Strategy, Story-Rich, Military
  • Editor : Activision
  • Developer : Sledgehammer Games
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
  • Release date : 27 October 2022
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 10 (64 bit)
    • CPU : i3-6100 / Ryzen 3 1200
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : Geforce GTX 960 / Radeon RX 470
    • Storage : 125 GB
    • Recommended
    • OS : Windows 10 / 11 (64 bit)
    • CPU : i5-6600K / Ryzen 5 1400
    • RAM : 12 GB
    • GPU : Geforce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 580
    • Storage : 125 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 18 ESRB M