Buy Ghostrunner 2 at the Best Price

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The sequel to the hardcore slasher from 505 Games pits you against countless enemies as the ultimate cybernetic ninja. In Ghostrunner 2 you wield your sharp katana as you navigate through challenging levels in a non-linear adventure. Traverse labyrinthic scenarios hid in the shadows of the neon lights while slashing your way through powerful enemies. Unlock new abilities and enhance your powers with a variety of new equipment that will make you more deadly than ever. Explore the lands beyond the Dharma Tower in the aftermath of the fall of the Keymaster, and help Jack fight against a mysterious and violent cult that is spreading through the city like a disease.

Ghostrunner 2 improves the best features from its predecessor to deliver a new and exciting experience with frantic combats at its core. Enhanced graphics, a dynamic combat system, and a captivating synthwave soundtrack are the key elements of a unique experience.

Best deals for Ghostrunner 2

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  • 48 Hour Early Access
  • Red Eye Dragon Traditional Sword and Hand Skin (Pre - Order Bonus)
  • Golden Traditional Sword and Hand Skin (Pre - Order Bonus)
  • Ahriman's Katana Sword and Hand Skin
  • Modern Energy Sword and Hand Skin
  • Molten Blade Sword and Hand Skin
  • Gothic Blue Sword and Hand Skin
  • Hand Hologram with Username
  • Aqua Animated Sword and Hand Skin
  • Design 24A Motorcycle Skin
  • Ghostrunner 2 Season Pass
  • Red Eye Dragon Traditional Sword and Hand Skin (Pre - Order Bonus)
  • Golden Traditional Sword and Hand Skin (Pre - Order Bonus)
  • Ahriman's Katana Sword and Hand Skin
  • Modern Energy Sword and Hand Skin
  • Molten Blade Sword and Hand Skin
  • Gothic Blue Sword and Hand Skin
  • Hand Hologram with Username
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(*) The best price is currently 61.67₹. We discovered this product available from 13 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Epic Games, Steam, GOG Galaxy, Xbox Live & Sony PSN on 3 platforms - PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 72 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 42 comments already shared.

Comments on Ghostrunner 2

06-Nov-2023, 11:39 am on
Plus jouissif que le 1 et tout aussi fluide dur mais juste assez pour avoir cette satisfaction de terminer l'étape et de passer a la suivante
More enjoyable than 1 and just as fluid, but just enough to give you the satisfaction of completing the stage and moving on to the next.
05-Nov-2023, 3:12 pm on
Ghostrunner 2 es la secuela del exitoso juego de acción y parkour cyberpunk. El juego te pone en la piel de Jack, un ninja cibernético que puede correr por las paredes, deslizarse por los cables, usar un gancho y cortar a sus enemigos con una sola estocada. El juego te ofrece una experiencia frenética y desafiante, donde cada movimiento cuenta y cada error se paga con la muerte. El juego también mejora el apartado gráfico, la variedad de niveles, los jefes finales y la banda sonora.
Ghostrunner 2 is the sequel to the hit cyberpunk parkour action game. The game puts you in the shoes of Jack, a cybernetic ninja who can run up walls, slide on wires, use a grappling hook and cut his enemies with a single lunge. The game offers you a frantic and challenging experience, where every move counts and every mistake is paid with death. The game also improves the graphics, the variety of levels, the final bosses and the soundtrack.
05-Nov-2023, 1:43 pm on
Le premier était un très bon exemple de comment faire un gameplay rapide, fluide et plaisant. La suite à l'air de faire honneur au premier, donc hâte de tester !
The first one was a great example of how to make gameplay fast, fluid and enjoyable. The sequel looks to be a worthy follow-up to the first, so look forward to testing it out!
04-Nov-2023, 7:49 pm on
Je n'ai pas encore testée mais les retours ont l'air moyen apparemment le premier est mieux, je vais donc attendre les soldes avant de me lancer :p
I haven't tested it yet but the feedback seems average, apparently the first one is better, so I'm going to wait for the sales before taking the plunge :p
04-Nov-2023, 2:36 pm on
Impresionante juego.Ghostrunner 2 es un videojuego de acción en primera persona que es la secuela de Ghostrunner. La historia se desarrolla un año después de los eventos del primer juego. La gente de la torre Dharma está recuperándose, el comercio empieza a fluir y hay esperanza en el futuro. La historia de esta secuela nos sitúa en un futuro ciberpunk postapocalíptico que sigue a la caída de la Maestra de las Llaves, la tirana que gobernaba la Torre Dharma, el último refugio de la humanidad.
Ghostrunner 2 is a first-person shooter video game that is the sequel to Ghostrunner. The story takes place one year after the events of the first game. The people of Dharma Tower are recovering, trade is starting to flow and there is hope for the future. The story of this sequel places us in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that follows the fall of the Mistress of the Keys, the tyrant who ruled the Dharma Tower, the last refuge of humanity.
03-Nov-2023, 3:01 pm on
J'ai pas fait le 1 mais il parait que ce jeu de parcours est vraiment satisfaisant à jouer, à tester !
I haven't played 1, but I've heard that this course game is really satisfying to play, so give it a try!
03-Nov-2023, 2:38 pm on
Ayant regarder les trailer, le jeu a l'air vraiment très cool a faire, un gameplay bien dynamique. Et j'aime beaucoup la musique. j'espère juste que a la sortie, le jeu sera bien optimiser
Having watched the trailers, the game looks really cool to make, very dynamic gameplay. And I really like the music. I just hope that when it's released, the game will be well optimized.
03-Nov-2023, 2:37 pm on
Es un gran juego con una estética y unos efectos visuales realmente sorprendentes😍. Además, la banda sonora es impresionante y, por lo que vi, este juego está muy bien optimizado.
It's a great game with really amazing aesthetics and visual effects😍. Also, the soundtrack is awesome and from what I saw, this game is very well optimized.
03-Nov-2023, 2:35 pm on
El juego parece prometedor, pero personalmente no soy fanático de este tipo de juegos: Ghostrunner, Shadow Warrior. Los gráficos y la matanza se ven increíblemente bien. La jugabilidad debe ser satisfactoria.
The game looks promising, but personally I'm not a fan of this type of game: Ghostrunner, Shadow Warrior. The graphics and the carnage look amazingly good. The gameplay should be satisfying.
03-Nov-2023, 2:07 pm on
Ghostrunner réussit avec brio à allier action survoltée et exigeante avec des phases de plateformes qui le sont tout autant. Le titre de One More Level est tout simplement un plaisir à parcourir : les sensations sont bonnes, les combats et les obstacles se renouvellent sans cesse, sans parler de la direction artistique, de la BO et de la partie technique du jeu, très solides (DLSS et Ray Tracing pour ceux qui ont un bon PC). Mis à part ce problème de checkpoints qui vous oblige à recommencer un
Ghostrunner succeeds brilliantly in combining fast-paced, challenging action with equally challenging platforming. One More Level's title is simply a pleasure to play: the sensations are good, the battles and obstacles are constantly renewed, not to mention the game's very solid art direction, soundtrack and technical aspects (DLSS and Ray Tracing for those with a good PC). Aside from the checkpoint problem, which forces you to restart a
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Ghostrunner 2
  • Categories : Action, Adventure, Strategy, Fighting & Martial Arts, Hack & Slash, Sci-fi
  • Editor : 505 games
  • Developer : One More Level
  • Mode(s) : Solo
  • Release date : 26 October 2023
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • CPU : Core i5-4590 / FX-8350
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon RX 480
    • Storage : 65 GB
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Core i9-9900k / Ryzen 5 5600X
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : GeForce RTX 2070 Super / Radeon RX 6800 XT
    • Storage : 65 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 18