Top retailers
751.17₹ PC
874.02₹ PC
1174.29₹ PC
(*) The best price is currently 751.17₹. We discovered this product available from 4 vendors supporting on PC. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 4 digital offers.
Compare prices for purchasing Diablo II PC, whether it's in physical form at a store or in digital version as a CD key.
Requires a account to active the your game CD key.
Diablo II
The activation process is quite simple. First you need to create a account by visiting the official website and clicking on "Create Account". Then log into your account and click on "Add Game" to add the game you want to activate. Then enter the activation code that came with the game and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the activation process. Once activation is complete, you can download and install the game on your computer. Diablo III Global Play FAQ : Learn more about the new feature allowing to play Diablo III on Americas/Asia/Europe Regions from any Game key versions.