Buy Star Wars the Old Republic at the Best Price

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    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... Gamers waited for this game for a very long time especially because Bioware is known for quality products (Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect). The adventure takes place approximately 3500 years before the first episode of the famous series created by George Lucas. Tensions between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire are causing problems in several solar systems. Bioware made a very good work on the story and the progress of the quests, to satisfy role plays players and fans of Star Wars. Throughout the game from level 1 to level 50, you will have the choice between several answers that will define your alignment (dark side or light side). You will have access to up to 4 companion pets, the pets will fight with you but it's also possible that they betray you depending on your actions in the main story. You can also send them to craft for you. You will also possess a spaceship which you can customize. You have the choice between 4 classes by kingdom: • Galactic Republic o Trooper : Human, Zabrak, Cyborg, Mirialan. o Smuggler : Human, Zabrak, Cyborg, Twi'lek, Mirialan. o Jedi Knight : Human, Zabrak, Miraluka, Twi'lek, Mirialan. o Jedi Consular : Human, Zabrak, Miraluka, Twi'lek, Mirialan. • Sith Empire o Bounty Hunter : Human, Zabrak, Cyborg, Rattataki, Chiss. o Sith Warrior : Human, Zabrak, Cyborg, Sith Pureblood. o Imperial Agent : Human, Zabrak, Cyborg, Rattataki, Chiss. o Sith Inquisitor : Human, Zabrak, Rattataki, Twi'lek, Sith Pureblood. Players vs Players is also available in Star Wars The Old Republic, warzones are available with unique gameplay elements like the Hutball pvp concept. Another unique concept of the game is the ability to pvp even as a level 11 against higher level players, the lowest level players will see its stats increased to be able to fight equally. Some planets are reserved for high level pvp, controlling the planet objectives awarding the winning faction some unique bonuses.



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    Comments on Star Wars the Old Republic

    28-Jan-2012, 10:24 pm on
    acheté chez G2play , j ai reçu la clef en 5 min. Cependant via g2play il ne faut pas passer par origin ,allez directement vous inscrire via le site star wars et prenez le client que le site propose. vous repondez a l interrogatoire et validé votre produit . Sinon Dlcompare qui m a aidé un samedi a 22h30 c est juste enorme ,merci a vous
    bought at G2play, I received the key in 5 min. However via g2play you do not have to go through origin, go directly to register via the site star wars and take the client that the site offers. you answer the question and validated your product. Otherwise Dlcompare who helped me one Saturday at 22:30 is just huge, thank you to you
    28-Jan-2012, 10:37 am on
    Jeux excellent, avec un côté narratif beaucoup plus développé que sur les autres titre de MMORPG que j'ai pu testé. Un petit coup de stress entre le moment ou j'ai rentré ma clé et le moment ou la version du jeux à été activé sur mon compte (ce n'a pas été immédiat mais il a fallu moins de 5min).
    Excellent game, with a narrative side much more developed than on the other MMORPG titles I tested. A little bit of stress between the moment I entered my key and the moment the game version was activated on my account (it was not immediate but it took less than 5 minutes).
    05-Jan-2012, 5:30 pm on
    Salutations NathHung, Il n'existe pas pour Star Wars de version russe, le jeu n'a pas de région fixé: toutes les versions du jeu sont internationnales et fonctionnent donc pour toutes les régions du monde. :) Sinon nous l'aurions précisé avec une icône russe comme par exemple sur la fiche de jeu <a href="">Battlefield3</a>. :)
    Greetings NathHung, There is no Russian version of Star Wars, the game has no fixed region: all versions of the game are international and therefore work for all regions of the world. :) Otherwise we would have specified it with a Russian icon as for example on the game sheet <a href="">Battlefield3</a>. :)
    21-Dec-2011, 9:55 pm on
    MMOGA dernière dispo et j avais deja scan ( avec mon iphone ) mes documents pour m identifier pour Brink donc j ai eu la clé cd en 5 min ds ma boite Mail ^^
    MMOGA last available and I had already scanned (with my iphone) my documents to identify me for Brink so I had the key cd in 5 min in my mailbox ^^
    20-Dec-2011, 8:24 pm on
    j ai pris swtor via mmoga...reçu en 5 min la clé je suis en train de download :D
    I took swtor via mmoga...received in 5 min the key I am downloading :D
    20-Dec-2011, 6:27 pm on
    Salut Anachoret, Les vendeurs digitaux sont souvent en rupture de stock surtout le jour de sortie car il y a beaucoup de monde qui achete d'un coup. C'est juste un problème de gestion de stock, pas vraiment EA qui bloque. :) Je te conseille de prendre chez un autre revendeur car leur problème de stock cela peut durer quelques jours parfois.
    Hi Anachoret, Digital sellers are often out of stock especially on release day because there are many people buying at once. It's just a problem of stock management, not really EA that blocks. :) I advise you to buy from another retailer because their stock problem can last a few days sometimes.
    20-Dec-2011, 12:50 pm on
    Bonjour. Cdkeyshere annonce une dispo mais lorsqu'on veut valider une commande, c'est impossible et le contenu est affublé des astérisques rouges caractérisant une rupture de stock. Une volonté d'EA de bloquer les ventes le temps de régler les soucis de connexion?
    Hello. Cdkeyshere announces an availability but when we want to validate an order, it is impossible and the content is marked with red asterisks characterizing a stock shortage. A will of EA to block the sales the time to solve the connection problems?
    20-Dec-2011, 12:22 pm on
    juste Genial !!! clé recu dans les 2 minutes, je recommande !
    just great!!! key received within 2 minutes, I recommend!
    20-Dec-2011, 10:34 am on
    Enorme merci dlcompare je viens de le prendre chez cdkeyshere. Clé recu en 5 min je suis en train d installer !!!! NICKEL
    Enorme thank you dlcompare I just took it at cdkeyshere. Key received in 5 min I am installing !!!! NICKEL
    12-Dec-2011, 2:13 am on
    Merci neoxite, On a mis à jour! Certains n'ont pas de stock, je recommande de patienter le plus longtemps possible pour obtenir le prix le moins cher. Sinon il y a MMOGA qui a du stock, n'oubliez pas d'utiliser le code promo. :)
    Thank you neoxite, We have updated! Some don't have stock, I recommend waiting as long as possible to get the cheapest price. Otherwise there is MMOGA which has stock, don't forget to use the promo code. :)
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : SWTOR
    • Categories : Mmorpg, Sci-fi, Space Flight
    • Editor : Lucasfilm Games
    • Developer : BioWare
    • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
    • Release date : 20 December 2011
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • OS : XP / Vista / 7
      • CPU : Athlon64 DualCore 4000+, Core2Duo 2,0 GHz
      • RAM : 1.5GB XP, 2GB (Vista/7)
      • GPU : ATI X1800, nVidia 7800, Intel 4100
      • Storage : 20 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 12