Buy Anno 2070 at the Best Price

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The famous real-time strategy game Anno is back, this time featuring futuristic cities of the year 2070. After a sudden massive worldwide water invasion that submerged the earth, you have to colonize the small parts of the world left fertile. In this process, you have to choose between two different factions present in the game. Global Trust is a company who is not afraid of sacrificing the environment to maximize the productivity. Eden initiative is the second faction and will make everything to respect the environment even at the prices of a slower pace of growth. A third faction is playable from time to time: the S .A.A.T., they will help you to develop new technologies. New gameplay elements of the game: As energy appears, you must construct wind turbines if you want to respect the environment, or coal-fired power station if you're a nasty polluter! An environmental index will also be present and you will have to be very careful if you do not want to make your land infertile. The subsea construction is very well done with high-quality graphics. It allows you to collect seaweed to meet the growing needs of your fellow citizens. Regarding multiplayer, an online voting system is established and according to the result, you will unlock bonuses. Very precise statistics are also available allowing you to see if the world of Anno 2070 is too polluted to survive or if you are a true ecologist. Daily quests are also present.

Best deals for Anno 2070

Use your CD key on Steam.

Activate your code on Ubisoft Connect.

PC  · Uplay
discount code -12% :  DLC12
362.31₹  318.83₹
PC  · Uplay
discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
392.29₹  345.22₹
PC  · Uplay
discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
405.99₹  365.39₹
PC  · Uplay
discount code -8% :  DLCGAME
398.31₹  366.45₹
PC  · Uplay
discount code -3% :  3DLC
380.59₹  369.17₹
PC  · Uplay
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
PC  · Steam
PC  · Uplay
Complete Edition
discount code -12% :  DLC12
1325.89₹  1166.78₹
PC  · Uplay
Complete Edition
discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
1342.17₹  1207.95₹
PC  · Uplay
Complete Edition
discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
1457.80₹  1282.86₹
PC  · Uplay
Account selling
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
PC  · Steam
Account selling
discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
958.45₹  862.61₹
PC  · Steam
Account selling
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE

(*) The best price is currently 257.81₹. We discovered this product available from 10 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: UPlay & Steam on PC. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 27 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 14 comments already shared.

Comments on Anno 2070

09-Oct-2012, 8:27 pm on
pareil aucun lien de téléchargement pour MMOGA
There are no download links for MMOGA
10-Jun-2012, 1:19 pm on
<blockquote><a href="#comment1896">Dionysos wrote:</a> Bonjour, avant de faire une commande, je voulais savoir vu qu'on ne peux l'activer sur steam, si le online fonctionne ? Merci</blockquote> Bonjour Dionysos, Non les version affichés ne sont pas 'Steam' mais le jeu est totalement fonctionnel ainsi que le online.
<blockquote><a href="#comment1896">Dionysos wrote:</a> Hello, Before ordering, I wanted to know since we can't activate it on steam, if the online works? Thanks</blockquote> Hello Dionysos, No, the versions displayed are not 'Steam' but the game is fully functional as well as the online.
21-Feb-2012, 7:24 am on
merci de votre reponse, c'est bon je leur ai envoyer un message et il mon renvoyer le lien pour le télécharger donc plusde probleme. super site et supre temps de reponse des admin.
thank you for your reply, I sent them a message and they sent me back the link to download it so no more problems. Great site and great response time from the admins.
20-Feb-2012, 10:04 pm on
bonjour, j'ai pris une cle sur cdkeyshere et le lien pour le telecharger ne marche pas un amis a le meme probleme. help svp
Hello, I took a key on cdkeyshere and the link to download it does not work a friend has the same problem. help please
02-Feb-2012, 10:15 pm on
<blockquote>Xou wrote: <a href="#comment1023">#</a> Bonsoir, j'ai acheté deux clés sur OnlineKeystore mais je n'ai reçu aucun lien pour le téléchargement. Pourriez vous me l'indiquer ? merci Cordialement</blockquote> Salutations Xou, Les liens et explications pour télécharger te sont normalement fournis par email, vérifie dans ta boîte spam au cas ou, sinon parfois regarde aussi sur ton profil sur leur site.
<blockquote>Xou wrote: <a href="#comment1023">#</a> Good evening, I bought two keys from OnlineKeystore but I didn't receive any link for the download. Could you please tell me? Sincerely </blockquote> Best regards Xou, The links and explanations to download are normally provided to you by email, check your spam box just in case, if not sometimes look also on your profile on their site.
02-Feb-2012, 6:34 pm on
Bonsoir, j'ai acheté deux clés sur OnlineKeystore mais je n'ai reçu aucun lien pour le téléchargement. Pourriez vous me l'indiquer ? merci Cordialement
Good evening, I bought two keys on OnlineKeystore but I did not receive any link for the download. Could you please tell me? Sincerely
02-Dec-2011, 12:22 am on
xD En fait j'ai bien reçu le mail mais dans les SPAM . Je viens de DL et ensuite installé sans souci. Super CDKEYHOUSE ! Je recommande vivement.
xD In fact I received the mail but in SPAM. I just DL'd and then installed it without any problem. Super CDKEYHOUSE! I highly recommend it.
01-Dec-2011, 5:40 pm on
Bonsoir BLAZINGMAN, Ce produit doit être ajouté sur ton compte ubisoft pour activation et téléchargement. En tt cas ce sont les informations communiquées par cdkeyhouse. Tu as eu une confirmation de leur part ?
Good evening BLAZINGMAN, This product must be added on your ubisoft account for activation and download. In any case, this is the information provided by cdkeyhouse. Did you get a confirmation from them?
01-Dec-2011, 12:51 pm on
Bonjour, J'ai commandé le SN via CDkeyhouse - j'ai bien reçu la clé mais pas le lien de téléchargement. Merci de m'aider.
Hello, I ordered the SN via CDkeyhouse - I received the key but not the download link. Please help me.
29-Nov-2011, 10:50 pm on
oui j'avais bien vu mais comme il est dispo sur steam je me demandais juste si le fait de rentrer cette clef sur steam l'aurait active mais si ce n'est pas possible tant pis, merci pour la réponse :)
yes I had seen it but as it is available on steam I was just wondering if entering this key on steam would have activated it but if it is not possible too bad, thanks for the answer :)
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