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Reus is a god game developed by Abbey Games, where players take on the role of giant elemental beings tasked with creating a planet teeming with life. With their godly powers, these mighty giants can shape the land, create resources and nurture various species of plants and animals.
Players can combine different elemental powers to create unique biomes, such as deserts and jungles. As the planet grows, players must manage its resources to feed the inhabitants and guide them towards prosperity.
Reus features an intuitive user interface and vibrant art style that helps bring this creative world to life. Players have access to deep strategic tools such as alliances and trade agreements between species, allowing them to craft intricate stories of their own design. With its fun gameplay and creative tools, Reus is sure to captivate gamers of all kinds!
Reus is a god game developed by Abbey Games, where players take on the role of giant elemental beings tasked with creating a planet teeming with life. With their godly powers, these mighty giants can shape the land, create resources and nurture various species of plants and animals.
Players can combine different elemental powers to create unique biomes, such as deserts and jungles. As the planet grows, players must manage its resources to feed the inhabitants and guide them towards prosperity.
Reus features an intuitive user interface and vibrant art style that helps bring this creative world to life. Players have access to deep strategic tools such as alliances and trade agreements between species, allowing them to craft intricate stories of their own design. With its fun gameplay and creative tools, Reus is sure to captivate gamers of all kinds!
(*) The best price is currently 349.00₹. We discovered this product available from 9 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: Steam & Sony PSN on 2 platforms - PC & PS4. The game comes in Standard edition. Our price comparison tool has identified 10 digital offers.
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