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Borderlands 3 is coming to Steam and spring 2020 will be full of new content

Borderlands 3 is coming to Steam and spring 2020 will be full of new content

The excitement over the announcement of Borderlands 3 somewhat subsided for many players following another announcement regarding the game: the Epic Games exclusivity. Well, the fans of Steam can now rejoice because Gearbox took advantage of PAX East to make some announcements for Borderlands 3, the main one being the arrival of the game to Steam.

It will not be necessary to wait very long since the release of Borderlands 3 on Steam will take place on March 13. But there is more good news since Gearbox announced that thanks to new matchmaking features in SHiFT, crossplay will be available between PC players, regardless of whether they play via Epic Games or Steam.

But that's not all that Gearbox had in stock. Borderlands 3 roadmap for spring 2020 has been revealed, and players are not likely to get bored.

From March 26, you will be able to enjoy the second expansion for Borderlands 3. Guns, Love and Tentacles: The marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock, it will take you to the icy planet Xylourgos to celebrate the wedding of the lovebirds. This new campaign will be an opportunity to meet old acquaintances: Gaige and Deathtrap, but do not expect this adventure to be easy, because Xylourgos is full of threats, like the creatures and fanatical occultists that it shelters.

In April, a free update will introduce Mayhem Mode 2.0, which is a complete redesign of Mayhem Mode with new modifiers and that will allow you to change its level directly through the ECHO system without having to visit Sanctuary III. Also in April, the free event Revenge of the Cartels will come into play. A precise date has not yet been announced, but we know that Maurice will be in trouble.

In May, the sequel to Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite will focus on the Guardians and offer new endgame challenges. Gearbox has finally teased the third expansion of Borderlands 3, whose theme will be "bandits and dinosaurs" and that should be released this summer. That's all we know about it right now, but Gearbox should provide more info on this in the coming months.

If you don't have Borderlands 3 yet, you can find it at the best price on our comparator. You might want to grab Borderlands 3 Season Pass too, which will give you access to all the expansions as soon as they are released.

Best deals for Borderlands 3

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Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3