Harley Quinn skin in Fortnite has been leaked

Harley Quinn skin in Fortnite has been leaked

Keeping anything a secret on the internet is becoming quite an impossible task, especially when it comes to games that are very popular, like World of Warcraft or Fortnite. There are plenty of people that check the game's files to find out through data mining every tiny change that the developers do to the game. There is a kind of a race to be the first one that reveals what's coming next for certain games before the developers announce it. Obviously, you get quite a lot of attention from the public when you manage to do it, and plenty of times it could even be useful to the developers to know what to expect even before launching an update.

Thanks to one of those cases we can take a look at the Harley Quinn skin that players will be able to get in Fortnite during the upcoming event. Data miner Lucas7yoshi revealed it and it seems that our favorite bad girl is also bringing her own customized toys to deal with the enemies, a baseball bat and a huge mallet that she probably uses in the movie.


harley quinn


Movies crossovers have become something quite common in Fortnite and Epic Games is launching a Birds of Prey crossover very soon. The event was teased last month through a tweet on Warner Bros. Pictures' account and since then we have been wondering what kind of features it will include.

As you see there will be two skins available. One of them is the default one and the other will need to be inlocked by completing a series of challenges during the event. Those challenges include finishing a match among the top positions, hitting weak points or dealing damage with pickaxes to opponents, so you will have to work hard to complete them if you want the second Harley Quinn skin.

There's been no official confirmation about when the Birds of Prey crossover event will start in Fortnite, but rumor says that it's coming tomorrow.