The Music-themed Action RPG AereA Is Coming To The PlayStation 4 On June 30

The Music-themed Action RPG AereA Is Coming To The PlayStation 4 On June 30

The guys at Soedesco announced today that their brand new music-themed action-RPG called AereA is making its way to PlayStation 4 on June 30. The game will be available in both a boxed and digital edition, something that is not often seen today, especially when we're talking about smaller development studios.

Now, the first thing that you want to know about this exciting new title is that everything in it is music-themed. That's right, everything from characters, weapons, and even the enemies is based on music. The entire world of AereA is filled with music, and we must travel to three islands that were once united but then got separated in the event known as "The Great Separation" to find some instruments. The instruments that we will be looking for are known as the nine primordial instruments that once held the three islands together. The players, as the disciples of the Great Meastro Guido, have a duty to bring these instruments back and restore balance to the world.

Marten, a PR person from Soedesco announced the game's arrival on the PlayStation 4, and he also talked about how the boss battles in AereA were something special. Notably, a few weeks ago people that were at the EGX Rezzed event in London had the chance to see some boss battles in AereA's demo, and they thought the fight was really immersive. The thing that made the boss battle so interesting is the fact that each boss is based on a certain instrument, and the music that plays during that battle will have that exact instrument as the leading one, which puts a great emphasis on a single musical instrument and therefore makes that whole fight immersive and captivating.

The game looks like it could be something really special, and if you haven't already, go watch the gameplay trailer down below to see all of this in action and feel free to visit our comparator to finde other games full of music like Just Dance 2017 or Guitar Hero Live.