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Battlefield Hardline multiplayer looks like this

Battlefield Hardline multiplayer looks like this
We were a bit surprised when Battlefield Hardline was first announced, mainly because this time the game is not going have a military background, but instead it moves to another type of war, the war against crime. Now that more info has been released, the title sounds quite appealing, and we are eager to see the final result. Today Electronic Arts has published a new trailer that features some multiplayer gameplay along with some driving sequences.

Battlefield Hardline - Karma Gameplay Trailer

90 seconds full of non-stop action ad the most pure Hollywood style that highlight many game mechanics and leave us waiting for more. Definitely a title to keep your eyes on for the new year and that could be the new big hit in the FPS genre. Battlefield Hardline is scheudled for launch on March 17th 2015 for PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
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