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Cheaper Nintendo Switch Model is reportedly coming this June

Cheaper Nintendo Switch Model is reportedly coming this June

It seems like a  new Nintendo Switch model and an upgraded version of the current console are coming your way soon.

Back in October 2018, The Wall Street Journal reported Nintendo’s plans to update their Nintendo Switch hardware sometime this year. The update would be on the system’s display with a higher-end screen. They then made a follow-up report last March with the news of cheaper hardware. This time around, this rumor is revisited due to a Bloomberg article that came up with more information about Nintendo’s new Switch model. The said that a cheaper version is coming by the end of June according to a source who spoke to Bloomberg. There was no mention about the pricing or the differences between the current model and the less-expensive new version of Nintendo Switch. The article was more on the about traders shorting Nintendo stock and in it, they have cited two sources saying that the new version will be here after the E3 happening this June 12th – 14th.

According to said report, there would be a second Switch model with enhanced features specially made for avid gamers. Unfortunately, the specs of this new model wouldn’t match PS4 Pro or Xbox One X. As for the current model, it might be getting a modest upgrade as well.  According to a Wall Street Journal report, the less expensive Switch might remove some features like the controller vibration to save costs. All these speculations may be given some hard facts on April 25th during the company’s launch of Nintendo Switch in China, that will also come with the announcement of games such as the new Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing.



Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony have all made hardware revisions over time, so this news isn’t at all surprising. However, it would have been nice to have more information about the specs of the new Nintendo Switch model. Remember that, no matter what Nintendo Switch version you own, you can always visit DLCompare to find the best prices for your favorite games.

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