Not many strategy franchises have managed to release six different titles over the years, but Civilization has managed to successfully reinvent itself quite a few times already. The 15 awards won during E3 2016, including "Best Strategy Game" and "Best PC Game" demonstrate that the saga is still fresh and quite appealing to the public 25 years after the launch of its first title in 1991. 2K Games and Firaxis Games have released the launch trailer for this new installment of Sid Meier's series that you can watch below:
Civilization VI Launch Trailer - International Version
Among the interesting new features introduced in the game, it is to be noted the possibility of expanding cities so they occupy several tiles, allowing you to take full advantage of the surrounding terrain. Also, you will be able to assign secondary units like artillery to other combat units and merge a few units of the same type into a more powerful "corps" version, opening a new layer of tactical options in combat. If you add to that a revamped diplomacy system and new multiplayer scenarios designed to be finished in a single session, you end with a more complete game that can even be enjoyed if you do not have that much time to play. Civilization VI is up for release in just a few days, on October 21th. So you won't have to wait too much longer to play one of the best turn-based strategy series of all times once again.