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Crysis 2 could have a remaster

Crysis 2 could have a remaster

It has taken Crytek quite a while to release Crysis Remastered but they have managed to meet the expectations of all the fans of the series with it. The new version of the classic first-person shooting game features incredible graphics that can push to the limit the capabilities of any GFX card in the market. The old Crysis has been used as the standard to test most of the graphics processing units that were released in the latest years and Crysis Remastered could easily follow the same steps as its predecessor. Being a remaster of the original de game does not add much in terms of gameplay but its amazing graphics are enough reason to give it a try. 

Crysis Remastered has had a positive reception and even though the game has not sold a massive number of copies it's been successful enough for Crytek to think about making the remastered version of Crysis 2. That is what you can extract from a recent tweet published on the official account of the game.



Most fans of the series should recognize that the “They used to call me Prophet.” sentence unmistakenly refers to Crysis 2 character Major Laurence "Prophet" Barnes. Therefore, it seems that Crytek is working on the remaster of Crysis 2, and we should have more news on this matter very soon. Crysis Remastered is available on PC and PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles. It's quite likely that the new remaster will be available on the same platforms whenever it's ready. 



If you have not tried any Crysis games, we highly recommend that you visit our comparator to find Crysis Remastered at the best price. The game delivers an amazing first-person shooting experience that emphasizes the use of advanced technology in the form of "nanosuits" that enhance your character's capabilities. Whether you choose stealth or brute force, Crysis Remastered gameplay is great.

Best deals for Crysis Remastered

PC  · Steam
PS4  · PlayStation 4
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