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The full list for the Worlds Video Game Hall of Fame

The full list for the Worlds Video Game Hall of Fame

Iconic and classic games flood The Strong's World Video Game Hall of Fame.

The finalists has been announced, and until March 28th fans can vote for their favorite game to be added to the World Video Game Hall of Fame. The list of titles that you can vote for may very well be overwhelming if you don’t know what we’re talking about, just take a peek at the following titles listed below:

  • Candy Crush
  • Colossal Cave Adventure
  • Centipede
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Dance Dance Revolution
  • Half-Life
  • Microsoft Windows Solitaire
  • Myst
  • NBA2K
  • Sid Meier’s Civilization
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Super Mario Kart



The induction will happen during a ceremony on May 2nd at The Strong Museum. The World Video Game Hall of Fame already listed games such as Tetris, Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto III, and Pac-Man. This year, the three games that get the most votes submitted will join the top three submissions from the members of the International Selection Advisory Committee. The committee selects the winning titles based on the following criteria:


  • Icon status – The game must have global fame and has an everlasting impact not only in the industry but on the lives and the memories of the people as well.
  • Longevity­ – The game must have been played through the years long after its original release. It must have withstood the test of time.
  • Geographical Reach – The game must have an impact on a global level. It must have a diverse fan base.
  • Influence – The game’s effect must be visible in other forms of media and entertainment. It must at least have reflected in pop culture.


Some of the games have been already in the list twice while some others are making it in the list for the first time, such as Candy Crush and Super Smash Bros. Melee. However, it is rather difficult for these titles to win due to some factors. Candy Crush started out as a mobile game and playable on Facebook, while Super Smash Bros. Melee has a specific niche. Before March ends, get the chance to vote for your favorite game and see if they make it to the Hall of Fame.

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