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Street Fighter 6 reveals its World Tour and avatar system
24-Apr-2023, 12:00 pm Fyra Frost News
Street Fighter 6 is radically different from its predecessors and adds a completely new way to play the game that makes it unique.
Street Fighter 6 will be a game-changer for the fans of the iconic fighting series. The game will introduce a new host of gameplay mechanics that set it apart from its predecessors and even most of its competitors. Until now, the series only offered you the possibility of fighting against other opponents in different types of matches. Whether you were exploring the story mode or any of the multiplayer modes, you were restricted to using the characters from the franchise....
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor physical versions will require an additional download
24-Apr-2023, 11:00 am Fyra Frost News
The unusually large size of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor makes it unable to fit in the standard physical package and requires extra time to download files.
When a video game is as popular as Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, all kinds of leaks can be expected ahead of release. This time we have news about the physical versions of the upcoming title from Respawn Entertainment. There are images circulating on Reddit revealing that the game will require players to download additional data before they can play it. This may not come as a big surprise to you if you've been following us. When we talked about the...
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Sons of the Forest update adds found footage and improves AI
23-Apr-2023, 2:33 pm Sacha Loric News
The latest patch to the wildly popular survival horror game makes NPCs a little more life-like.
Sons of the Forest made quite an impression on the horror scene when it came out on Early Access a month ago, and it just keeps getting better. The latest patch improves the behavior of AI and adds an Action Cam for viewing tapes you find in the wilderness. Before anything, check out the multiplayer trailer for Sons of the Forest here:  ...
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Unrecord and Paranormal Tales lead the pack in new body-cam FPS genre
22-Apr-2023, 4:32 pm Sacha Loric News
Built on Unreal Engine 5, these two games have the wow factor of photorealistic graphics.
Two games built on Unreal Engine 5 are creating a stir on the internet with their eye-popping hyper-realistic visuals. The first is Unrecord, an FPS where you play a member of the police force investigating a case. The second, Paranormal Tales, is a supernatural horror game inspired by found footage horror movies. Check out the gameplay trailer for Unrecord here:  ...
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Watch Immortals of Aveum's first gameplay trailer
21-Apr-2023, 2:00 pm Fyra Frost News
Ascendant Studios lines up for a spectacular debut with this awesome-looking FPS that is all about casting spells.
Electronic Arts surprised us recently with the announcement of a new FPS that will hit the shelves soon. Immortals of Aveum is an exciting experience where you take the role of an orphan that has been turned into a deadly battlemage. Your capability of using three different colors of magic (blue for Strength, green for Life, and red for Chaos) makes you stand out among your peers because it offers you access to a wide range of spells...
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Diablo 4 will have a second open beta
21-Apr-2023, 1:00 pm Fyra Frost Beta Access
A second weekend of free access to a Diablo 4 beta will allow all players to try the latest adjustments.
Despite the huge success of the beta that took place last month, Activision Blizzard still wants to check out more things about Diablo 4 ahead of release. If you missed the opportunity of trying the during the last event, you may want to check it out during the new open beta event that is coming this month. Blizzard is attempting to reach as many players as possible to advertise the game and also test the servers' capacity.  Calling for all players If...
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Try Street Fighter 6 for free
21-Apr-2023, 11:00 am Fyra Frost Demo
Capcom has launched a Street Fighter 6 demo on PlayStation that will be available on other platforms a bit later.
This year is going to be quite special for the fans of fighting games because two iconic franchises are getting a new installment. Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 will compete to be the game of choice for millions of fans. Bandai Namco needs a bit longer to get its game ready but Capcom will launch the new installment in its legendary fighting video game series next June. Street Fighter 6 will bring back familiar characters...
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Blasphemous 2 slashes its way to a summer release
21-Apr-2023, 10:12 am Sacha Loric News
The Penitent One comes back to life for another go at ending an impending apocalypse.
Developer The Game Kitchen has officially announced the sequel to their brutal 2021 Metroidvania. Blasphemous 2 is bringing more glorious unholy imagery to PC and consoles later this summer. Check out the recently released Blasphemous 2 trailer right here:     The original Blasphemous was a harrowing, Souls-like platformer known for its...
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The Flagellant returns in Darkest Dungeon 2
20-Apr-2023, 4:00 pm Fyra Frost News
The brutal madman wielding a flail completes the group of adventurers that will join you in the most dreadful journey ever.
Developer Red Hook Studios has been adding content to Darkest Dungeon 2 since the game entered Early Access quite a few months ago. The game is now quite different from the experience that players could enjoy when it first was playable. The studio has been listening to the feedback received from the players and making adjustments. The whole progression system was revamped a few months ago, and now you have to unlock additional character classes and features by...
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Oxenfree II: Lost Signals release date announced
20-Apr-2023, 3:29 pm Sacha Loric News
The sequel to the beloved supernatural thriller is finally launching this summer after a 2-year delay.
It’s time to pick up your walkie-talkie again as the sequel to the acclaimed adventure-thriller Oxenfree launches this July 12. Developed by Night School Studio, which is owned by Netflix Games, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals focuses on a new character called Riley, who is facing similar supernatural elements as the previous cast. Check out the Oxenfree II: Lost Signals trailer here:   ...
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The Day Before will have a beta in 2023
20-Apr-2023, 2:00 pm Fyra Frost News
Fntastic is working to bring The Day Before back to Steam and promises a beta for this year.
The Day Before was destined to be one of the great releases of 2023. The new zombie survival adventure from Fntastic was delayed after the studio recognized that it didn't own the rights to the name of the game, which came as a huge surprise for all the fans that wishlisted the game on Steam. The Day Before was then removed from Steam and pretty much disappeared from the radar. In a recent interview, the developer studio revealed that it's...
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Relics of the Old Faith is a free DLC for Cult of the Lamb
20-Apr-2023, 12:00 pm Fyra Frost News
The first major expansion for Cult of the Lamb brings a host of novelties that will add a new dimension to your games.
Recruiting followers that serve an ancient evil god is not an easy task, although it can be quite fun. Cult of the Lamb has demonstrated it with its unique gameplay, colorful cartoon-style graphics, and roguelike mechanics. the game puts you in the shoes of a lamb whose life was miraculously saved by an evil god. Of course, the deity wants you to scratch her back now and tasks you with creating a cult of followers around its figure. Exploring a...
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