News, Good deals

Super Meat Boy Forever has a release date
14-Dec-2020, 10:02 am Fyra Frost
Team Meat has confirmed that Super Meat Boy Forever will be available this month on PC.
The announcement of Super Meat Boy Forever took place quite a long time ago, but we have been kept oblivious about a possible release date since then. It's quite an anticipated title because the Super Meat Boy series is quite popular among fans of the platform games. With its fast-paced and sometimes frenetic gameplay and a unique art style, Super Meat Boy has become a cult game and the upcoming sequel will offer a brand new experience. Originally,...
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The Elder Scrolls Online is headed into Oblivion in 2021
11-Dec-2020, 6:14 pm Fyra Frost
The Daedra will gain relevance in the new season of The Elder Scrolls Online.
With the release of Markarth, this year’s final Dark Heart of Skyrim-themed chapter, we have been wondering what The Elder Scrolls Online would hold for us for the year ahead. Zenimax was recently acquired by Microsoft and it was unclear what impact this might have on the game, but the veil has finally been lifted on what is being prepared for 2021 in The Elder Scrolls Online with a trailer shown at The Game Awards.  Longtime fans of The...
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Crimson Desert has been confirmed for 2021
11-Dec-2020, 4:11 pm Fyra Frost
Pearl Abyss finally reveals a bit more about Crimson Desert and shows its gameplay in a new video.
Pearl Abyss has not been very talkative about Crimson Desert since the game was announced quite a few months ago. The creators of Black Desert Online have been quite busy adding content and more classes to their MMORPG and even though the fans were very interested in the new game, we have learned very few things about it. We know that Crimson Desert was originally going to be an open-world role-playing game heavily inspired by the world of...
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Season 1 brings 8 multiplayer maps to Black Ops - Cold War
11-Dec-2020, 1:38 pm Fyra Frost
A few days ago we showed you the story trailer of Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War Season 1, which gave us some insight on the kind of novelties that it will bring to the base game when it starts. Although we will still have to wait several days until the new content is available, Treyarch has published a new video that reveals gameplay footage during The Game Awards 2020 ceremony, which took place yesterday. The video showcases...
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Little Nightmares II demo is available on PC
10-Dec-2020, 2:28 pm Fyra Frost
You can now have a taste of what Little Nightmares II has to offer via a free demo on PC.
It's often said that everything small is cute, but that statement couldn't be more wrong when it comes to Little Nightmares II. The launch of the game was originally scheduled for 2020 but it has been pushed back like it has happened to many other games this year. The new release date is February 11, 2021, on PC, PS4 and PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.  If you're one of those people who can't wait for...
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Cyberpunk 2077 pulverizes expectations about its launch
10-Dec-2020, 11:35 am Fyra Frost
Cyberpunk 2077 is headed to become one of the most important games in the story of videogames with impressive numbers at launch.
The world of video games is completely focused on the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 today. It's probably the game that has gathered more attention in recent years. Despite all the reviews that we have been able to read in the last few days saying that it still needs some bugs fixed, a massive number of players have decided to give it a go and are now roaming the streets of Night City as V.   ...
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Halo Infinite will be released in fall 2021
09-Dec-2020, 5:58 pm Fyra Frost
After months of uncertainty, 343 Industries finally provides a launch window for Halo Infinite.
Since it was first unveiled in 2018, Halo Infinite has captured the interest of plenty of players. Until this summer we have known relatively little about the game, so player expectations were high when it was announced that gameplay was going to be revealed at the Xbox event last July. The images shown that day were a disappointment to the fans, who judged that Halo Infinite offered graphics from another era. 343 Industries announced shortly after that Halo Infinite, whose release was slated...
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Cyberpunk 2077 launch trailer is here!
09-Dec-2020, 1:13 pm Fyra Frost
CD Projekt Red has published Cyberpunk 2077 launch trailer ahead of the release of the game tomorrow.
We have been eagerly waiting for the release of Cyberpunk 2077 for quite a few months now, and the successive delays have made almost unbelievable that the role-playing adventure from CD Projekt Red is going to be available to play tomorrow. During this time, we have seen plenty of footage about the game, and we have learned a lot about its features. The more we knew about the game, the more we wanted to get our hands on it. No...
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Shadowlands is the fastest-selling PC game
09-Dec-2020, 9:43 am Fyra Frost
Shadowlands becomes the most successful video game launch on PC surpassing the 3.7 million of copies sold.
Despite being quite a long-lived game, World of Warcraft maintains the first place in the list of most popular MMORPGs and it seems that it will continue like that for another whole year. Blizzard has managed to find the perfect formula to keep the interest of the fans high and most of the players that leave the game for one reason or another seem to come back when a new expansion is released. It seems that with every expansion the...
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Cyberpunk 2077 is received with mixed feelings
08-Dec-2020, 4:37 pm Fyra Frost
Cyberpunk 2077 reviews are all over the place and they agree that the game is awesome but it has some issues.
After 8 long years in development by CD Projekt Red, gamers around the world will finally be able to get their hands on Cyberpunk 2077 and immerse themselves in the world born from Mike Pondsmith's imagination. After several twists and turns when it comes to the game's release date, CD Projekt Red has gone all out in terms of promotion in recent weeks, and the hype around Cyberpunk 2077 is at its height just 2 days before the official release.  The...
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Seven: Enhanced Edition is free to claim on PC
08-Dec-2020, 11:50 am Fyra Frost
Delve into the depths of a mysterious world where magic and technology are mixed with Seven: Enhanced Edition.
It seems that this week is going to be great to get several good games for free on PC. As we told you a few days ago, Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity, two great role-playing games developed by Obsidian Entertainment, will be available for free on Epic Games Store on Thursday evening. But Humble Bundle has also decided to hand out another free game this week, and you can get a free copy of Seven: Enhanced...
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The first season of Black Ops - Cold War has been announced
08-Dec-2020, 9:23 am Fyra Frost
Rebirth Island map for Warzone and a new operator are among the novelties coming with Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War Season One.
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War has been a hit among the fans of the license. Quite a lot of players have abandoned Modern Warfare to play the new game and are having lots of fun with the new content. But there are even more players waiting for December 16th because that is the date when the new first-person shooter from Treyarch and Raven Software is going to be integrated with Call of Duty Warzone. The free-to-play battle-royale...
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