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The Division looks this good at 60FPS
24-Feb-2016, 8:01 pm Fyra Frost
With the release date for the game getting closer Ubisoft has decided to show everyone a hint of what to expect when you get to play Tom Clancy’s The Division in your PC, (if your machine is powerful enough to handle it of course). They have published a new trailer featuring gameplay footage of the title running at 60FPS. It showcases effects like real time reflection, volumetric fog, illumination or scenery destruction, and it looks impressively realistic and detailed. Tom Clancy’s The Division – 60FPS PC GAMEPLAY They have also created a new web-based with a simulator called Collapse. It’s based on Street Maps and uses NASA open data to calculate how quickly a smallpox mutated virus like the one in the game would hypothetically spread and infect the whole planet starting from your location, detailing the consequences of the epidemic and helping with the inmersion in the game storyline. It’s definitely scary. You can check it by yourself at the official website. Tom Clancy’s The Division is set for launch in barely a couple of weeks. It will be available March 8 for PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4. The post The Division looks this good at 60FPS appeared first on .
With the release date for the game getting closer Ubisoft has decided to show everyone a hint of what to expect when you get to play Tom Clancy's The Division in your PC, (if your machine is powerful enough to handle it of course). They have published a new trailer featuring gameplay footage of the title running at 60FPS. It showcases effects like real-time reflection, volumetric fog, illumination or scenery destruction, and it looks impressively realistic and detailed.  ...
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The new DLC for Just Cause 3 arrives in March
18-Feb-2016, 6:59 pm Fyra Frost
The first downloadable content for Just Cause 3 is already on the way and it will hit the stores at some point during March. The third installment of the action series from Avalanche Studios will see its content expanded with Sky Fortress, a collection of missions against a new threat, a huge flying fortress owned by Eden Corporation and populated by an army of robotic drones. You can watch below the introductory trailer published by Square Enix: Sky Fortress Trailer – Just Cause 3 Rico Rodriguez will also have at his disposition some awesome equipment to deal with those pesky enemies: a brand new rocket propelled Bavarium Wingsuit, a self-defense drone, and the Bavarium Splitter, a special assault rifle. Sky Fortress will be available for Pc, Playstation 4 and Xbox one. You can buy it separatedly but it is included in the Air, Land and Sea Expansion Pass for Just Cause 3, whose owners will also be able to play it one week early. The second installment will be Mech Land Assault and it will include a heavily armored mech equipped with a gravity gun. The third DLC of the pack will be Bavarium Sea Heist but nothing have beed revealed about it yet. All of them should be out before summer. The post The new DLC for Just Cause 3 arrives in March appeared first on .
The first downloadable content for Just Cause 3 is already on the way and it will hit the stores at some point during March. The third installment of the action series from Avalanche Studios will see its content expanded with Sky Fortress, a collection of missions against a new threat, a huge flying fortress owned by Eden Corporation and populated by an army of robotic drones. You can watch below the introductory trailer published by Square Enix:  ...
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Dying Light: The Following is out already!
09-Feb-2016, 7:59 pm Fyra Frost
Publisher Warner Bros has distributed the launch trailer for Dying Light: The Following to celebrate its release. The highly anticipated expansion for the best survival-horror title of 2015 is finally out today and the lunch trailer serves as introduction for the story it brings into the game. You may be able to change the way you have been forced to live lately, where having to survive in a city full of zombies that want to kill and eat you has become your top priority. You have heard a story about a cure, something that will put an end to the nightmare, but there might be more than you expected behind it. Dying Light:The Following Launch Trailer But The Following adds much more to the game than a story. If you already thought Dying Light map was big, prepare to be amazed, because the expansion will let you explore at your will the open area outside the quarantine zone for the first time, and it’s as big as all the previous content toguether. It also includes improved visuals and gameplay enhancements along with new characters, weapons and quests. And you won’t have to worry about exploring all that on foot, since fully customizable dirt buggies are also available! Dying Light had a great cooperative gameplay already, but this expansion brings so much amazing things into the game and opens so many new gameplay possibilities that you can’t really miss it. The post Dying Light: The Following is out already! appeared first on .
Publisher Warner Bros has distributed the launch trailer for Dying Light: The Following to celebrate its release. The highly anticipated expansion for the best survival-horror title of 2015 is finally out today and the lunch trailer serves as an introduction for the story it brings into the game. You may be able to change the way you have been forced to live lately, where having to survive in a city full of zombies that want to kill and eat...
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Imsomniac announces Song of the Deep
28-Jan-2016, 7:35 pm Fyra Frost
Most people knwos of have heard something about Insomniac Games. The developers of awesome platform titles like Ratchet & Clank, Spyro the Dragon or more recently Sunset Overdrive have just revealed their new project and it looks great. Song of the Deep is a Metroidvania-style beautiful 2D adventure where we will help a 12 years old girl with the name of Merryn to find her missing father, a fisherman lost in the ocean’s depths. Song of the Deep – Reveal Trailer The game will get you to explore a strange underwater world based on irish and celtic myths. Using a small makeshift submarine you will have to get trough amazingly beautiful interactive scenarios full of puzzles, secrets and fantastic creatures. “We don’t want this to be just a world of beautiful background, we want it to be interactive, like a children’s science museum on an alien planet,” explains Brian Hastings, chief creative officer for the project. A compelling story and characters players can easily identify with, strikingly beautiful artwork and a fantastic underwater world to explore are the strong points of Song of the Deep. This unforgettable journey will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC next summer. The post Imsomniac announces Song of the Deep appeared first on .
Most people knwos of have heard something about Insomniac Games. The developers of awesome platform titles like Ratchet & Clank, Spyro the Dragon or more recently Sunset Overdrive have just revealed their new project and it looks great. Song of the Deep is a Metroidvania-style beautiful 2D adventure where we will help a 12 years old girl with the name of Merryn to find her missing father, a fisherman lost in the ocean's depths.  ...
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Will you be able to play The Division?
22-Jan-2016, 7:25 pm Fyra Frost
The release date for Tom Clancy’s The Division is getting close and Ubisoft is getting ready for the launch. The beta is almost ready to start and you are still in time to participate in it either pre-ordering the title or joining the waiting list for it and crossing your fingers for it to happen. It starts starts on January 28th for Xbox One, and January 29th for Playstation 4 and PC and you will be able to pre-load the beta client two days ahead of the release date. Tom Clancy’s The Division – 10 Minute Gameplay Walkthrough! The game website has been updated with a new feature that lets you explore Manhattan in a 360-degree view, like if you were using Google Earth, also allowing you to check points of interests to learn more about the game. Finally, the system specifications required to play the game have been published, so you still have some time to upgrade your machine before launch in case you do not meet those. The Division’s minimum and recommended requirements for PC are: Minimum Requirements: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only) Processor: Intel Core i5-2400, AMD FX-6100, or better. Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 with 2 GB VRAM (current equivalent NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760), AMD Radeon HD 7770 with 2 GB VRAM, or better DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 40 GB available space Recommended Requirements: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only) Processor: Intel Core i7-3770, AMD FX-8350, or better. Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290, or better DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 40 GB available space Tom Clancy’s The Division is officially set for release on March 8th 2016 for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. The post Will you be able to play The Division? appeared first on .
The release date for Tom Clancy's The Division is getting close and Ubisoft is getting ready for the launch. The beta is almost ready to start and you are still in time to participate in it either pre-ordering the title or joining the waiting list for it and crossing your fingers for it to happen. It starts on January 28th for Xbox One, and January 29th for PlayStation 4 and PC and you will be able to pre-load the...
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Rise of the Tomb Raider’s DLC is up for release next week
19-Jan-2016, 6:02 pm Fyra Frost
A few weeks ago developer Crystal Dynamics announced the first story-based expansion for their action/adventure title Rise of the Tomb Raider. Baba Yaga: The Temple of The Witch expands the story of the original game and features a new adventure for Lara Croft. This time she will have to explore the depths of a valley in Siberia, searching for a missing man, but what she will find there will be totally unexpected. Discovering the truth behind the ancient evil that haunts the place will be just the beginning of her journey. Rise of the Tomb Raider – Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch Trailer This DLC adds about three hours of content to the main game and features a new bow and a new outfit for Lara to use. Baba Yaga: The Temple of The Witch is also included as part of Rise of the Tomb Raider Season Pass and it will launch January 26th on Xbox One. The post Rise of the Tomb Raider’s DLC is up for release next week appeared first on .
A few weeks ago developer Crystal Dynamics announced the first story-based expansion for their action/adventure title Rise of the Tomb Raider. Baba Yaga: The Temple of The Witch expands the story of the original game and features a new adventure for Lara Croft. This time she will have to explore the depths of a valley in Siberia, searching for a missing man, but what she will find there will be totally unexpected. Discovering the truth behind the ancient evil...
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Dying Light: The Following will introduce buggie customization
14-Jan-2016, 4:35 pm Fyra Frost
With less than a month left until the launch of the Dying Light: The Following, developer Techland has published a new video that showcases the customization options for one of the biggest features that this expansion will bring into the game, vehicles. We will be able to change the looks of our buggie choosing it’s paintjob and adding accesories like bobbleheads or charms. We will also be able to upgrade the engine modifiying the performance of the vehicle according to our needs or even add deadly accesories to help us getting rid of those pesky zombies that infest the outskirts of Harran. Dying Light The Following | Weaponize Your Ride Trailer After the launch of The Bozak Hotde DLC, The following is going to be the first big expansion for Dying Light. It will expand the map, effectively doubling it’s size and adding a lot of areas to explore. It features the story of Kyle Crane, with a plot that will delve into the reasons for the zombie outbreak that ravages the region. Dying Light: The Following is up for launch on 9th February for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. You can get it separatedly, as part of Dying Light’s Season Pack or with the base game in Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition. The post Dying Light: The Following will introduce buggie customization appeared first on .
With less than a month left until the launch of the Dying Light: The Following, developer Techland has published a new video that showcases the customization options for one of the biggest features that this expansion will bring into the game, vehicles. We will be able to change the looks of our buggy choosing its paintjob and adding accessories like bobbleheads or charms. We will also be able to upgrade the engine modifying the performance of the vehicle according to...
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Fallout 4 breaks records on launch day
13-Nov-2015, 8:09 pm Fyra Frost
Fallout 4 was released three days ago with amazing numbers that confirm that it’s the most anticipated game of the year. Developer Bethesda Softworks has announced today that they have shipped 12 million copies of their new First-Person Shooter on launch day “representing sales in excess of $750 million.” Note that they didn’t confirm any numbers about the amount of sales to customers and not to retailers, but according to the latter, the game registers the largest number of sales of the year by far at the day of it’s release, and it’s also the most pre-ordered game of the year. Fallout 4 Launch Trailer That’s for the standard edition of the game, but Fallout 4 Pip-Boy edition was sold out barely a few hours after it started selling, becoming the fastest-selling collector’s edition “of any game in history at leading retailers.” Add to that that Fallout Pip-Boy App became the top selling game on iTunes App Store and that Fallout 4 holds the title for the game launch viewed by most people this year and the top played game at launch in steam, reaching a peak of 445.546 players. Those are breathtaking numbers to backup the nomination of Fallout 4 to the Best Game of the Year on the Game Awards 2015. The competition with Bloodborne, Metal Gear solid 5: The Phantom Pain, Super Mario Maker, and The Witcher 3: The wild Hunt is going to be tight but Behtesda can definitely be proud of the game numbers at launch. The post Fallout 4 breaks records on launch day appeared first on .
Fallout 4 was released three days ago with amazing numbers that confirm that it's the most anticipated game of the year. Developer Bethesda Softworks has announced today that they have shipped 12 million copies of their new First-Person Shooter on launch day "representing sales in excess of $750 million." Note that they didn't confirm any numbers about the number of sales to customers and not to retailers, but according to the latter, the game registers the largest number of sales...
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Dying Light expansion gets a time window for it’s release
15-Oct-2015, 8:05 pm Fyra Frost
Developer studio Techland has narrowed the release date for the greatly anticipated upcoming story-based expansion pack for Dying Light that was announced a few months ago. Dying Light: The following will launch at some point between January and March next year. “Today we finally know that Dying Light: The Following will launch within the first three months of 2016. This gives us enough time to put in all the content and surprises we have planned for you guys. So keep your eyes peeled for some sneak peeks into what we have in the works for you all. And we promise to share the exact day of release as soon as we get a final decision,” says Dying Light producer Tymon Smektala in an official statement that also includes the follwing teaser. Dying Light The Following | Release Date Window Reveal Along with new gameplay mechanics, drivable vehicles and a map at least as big as the original one, Dying Light: The Following features the story of Kyle Crane. While traveling through Harran’s outback region, he will encounter a mysterious cult that seems to have something to do with the reasons behind the zombie outbreak that has devastated the area. Infiltrating them seems to be the only option to unravel their secrets and finding out the truth. Dying Light: The Following is included in Dying Light Season Pass or can be purchased indedpendently too. The post Dying Light expansion gets a time window for it’s release appeared first on .
Developer studio Techland has narrowed the release date for the greatly anticipated upcoming story-based expansion pack for Dying Light that was announced a few months ago. Dying Light: The following will launch at some point between January and March next year. "Today we finally know that Dying Light: The Following will launch within the first three months of 2016. This gives us enough time to put in all the content and surprises we have planned for you guys....
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Bloodborne GOTY Edition launches in November
13-Oct-2015, 4:14 pm Fyra Frost
SONY has announced the release of Bloodborne GOTY Edition. It´s probably not surprising at all to see a Game of the Year Edition for the action role-playing game developed by From Software, especially if you consider the very good reception the title has had from the public, and also its awesome scores from the specialized press since launch. The game excels due to its impressive graphics, intense gameplay, great atmosphere, marvelous soundtrack and a plethora of other good qualities that...
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Minecraft: Story Mode gets a release date
16-Sept-2015, 5:47 pm Fyra Frost
Considedring that Minecraft has over 100 million registered users and tens of millions copies sold on different formats, it is quite possible that you are currently playing the title from Mojang. What you might not know, is that the new episodic adventure from Telltale Games is going to be based on the most famous block-made 3D world. Minecraft: Story Mode will be a narrative adventure of the likes of other Telltale titles, like The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones. This time the title will portrait Jesse as character. He and his friends get involved into something dreadful while participating in the Endercon, and start a journey to enlist the help of the legendary Order of Stone in order to save their world. Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer] “We’ve worked closely with the amazing team at Mojang to ensure this story is a natural fit for the Minecraft world fans already know and love,” explained Kevin Bruner, CEO of Telltale Games. “As Jesse, players will steer their own path through a tale of adventure and survival; all brought to life by an all-star cast. Through Telltale’s choice-based gameplay and a story spanning from the Nether to the Farlands, the End, and beyond, we can’t wait for fans to experience this new take on the beloved world of Minecraft.” “The interactive storytellers at Telltale are giving players the chance to explore their own unique interpretation of the Minecraft universe. They’ve crafted a story that follows the logic of Minecraft, but still manages to feel original. It’s actually pretty funny too. And the pig is adorable. We’re super excited about players digging deeper into the world of Minecraft: Story Mode later this year.” said Owen Hill, Chief Word Officer at Mojang. Today, Telltale Games has confirmed that the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode will be available on 13th October as digital download for PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The post Minecraft: Story Mode gets a release date appeared first on .
Considedring that Minecraft has over 100 million registered users and tens of millions copies sold on different formats, it is quite possible that you are currently playing the title from Mojang. What you might not know, is that the new episodic adventure from Telltale Games is going to be based on the most famous block-made 3D world. Minecraft: Story Mode will be a narrative adventure of the likes of other Telltale titles, like The Wolf Among Us, The...
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Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power final version is out
21-Aug-2015, 12:48 pm Fyra Frost
In 2009 Frozenbyte Inc. launched the first installment of a side-scrolling platform that surprised many of us. Beautiful graphics, endless puzzles, non-stop action and three different characters, each of them with a different set of skills, that we needed to master to get to the next scree safely, conformed a title that has become one of those little jewels you can’t miss if you like the genre. After a sequel that introduced online multiplayer options and quite a few years later, the finnish game developing studio is ready to launch the third game of the saga. Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power has successfully passed the Early Access phase on Steam and it’s finally ready for launch. Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power What to expect of this new title? Breathtaking graphics, fluid gameplay, difficult puzzles, and the return of the three original heroes. Amadeus, the wizard, Pontius, the Knight and Zoya, the Thief are back again. Even with your direction and their specialized skills it won’t be easy to get to your final destination, through a long path of beautifully detailed 3D scenarios filled with all kind of platform puzzles. Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power is up for grabs already on it’s Windows version. Linux and Mac users will be able to play it later this year.   The post Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power final version is out appeared first on .
In 2009 Frozenbyte Inc. launched the first installment of a side-scrolling platform that surprised many of us. Beautiful graphics, endless puzzles, non-stop action and three different characters, each of them with a different set of skills, that we needed to master to get to the next screen safely, conform a title that has become one of those little jewels you can't miss if you like the genre. After a sequel that introduced online multiplayer options and quite a few years...
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