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Rust Console Edition beta will start this month

Rust Console Edition beta will start this month

Since the announcement of a new version for consoles of Rust was made at X019, the number of players that are eagerly waiting to play it has grown exponentially. Even though the game has always been quite popular among those that love a challenging survival experience, the announcement has served as a boost that has taken it to new levels, and the number of streams and videos focusing on Rust have multiplied. The game features exciting multiplayer gameplay that you either love or hate, as losing everything and having to start naked if you get killed can be quite annoying for some people and it happens quite often in any Rust game. Of course, you may want to find allies and create some backup storage full of resources just in case you need them in the future, but there is always an implicit risk in doing that, which is precisely what appeals to most Rust players.

Double Eleven seems to be progressing at a good pace on the development of the PlayStation and Xbox versions of the game, and they have recently published a video that shows the first footage of Rust Console Edition ahead of its launch.



As you can see, it looks quite good and the best thing about the video is that it comes accompanied by the reveal of the starting date for the first beta. If you would love to give Rust a try on your console as soon as possible, you should sign up for the Limited Beta of the game that will take place on March 29th. Although it's a technical beta that will test server stability and nothing has been specified about the content that will be available during it, it's still a good opportunity to test the game. You can find the answers to any of your questions about the event by visiting this address. We hope to have news about the release date of the game in the close future.

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