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Season 2 Battle Charge trailer shows King Canyon changes and more for Apex Legends

Season 2 Battle Charge trailer shows King Canyon changes and more for Apex Legends

Two new trailers have been released to let us know what is coming in Apex Legends Season 2. Respawn's battle royale based on the Titanfall universe will start the Season 2 on July 2, 2019. It comes with a new legend to play, and a slew of new changes to the map. Titled Battle Charge, the second season will introduce the first-ever structural changes to the King’s Canyon map and bring on the new character called Wattson, an engineer type who can build electricity traps. She's the daughter of the engineer who created the Apex Arena's Ring. According to the lore, she's looked at like a little sister by the other Legends. Natalie “Wattson” Paquette is the tenth Legend to join Apex Legends, and her ability is Defensive Electric Fences, which are electrified fences that will both slow and damage an enemy while pinging the location the fence was crossed at to the rest of the team. She can use a maximum of 12 nodes at the same time that can be used to create a defensive perimeter around the team if needed. Wattson's ultimate is an Interception Pylon that will charge up the team's shield and destroy any enemy projectiles such as grenades or arc stars. However, bullets will not be blocked while the cooldown will be reduced for electric fences. Due to her passive, Wattson's will receive 100% ultimate charge whenever she uses an ultimate accelerator.



The first trailer shows the story behind Season 2. Bangalore, Mirage, Octane and the last addition to the team, Wattson are fighting as some unknown character with a laptop (rumors say it will be the next legend to join the game and is named Crypto) blasts the Repulsor tower that was keeping out the winged dinosaur-like beasts and Leviathans. They are now invading the playable area of Kings Canyon. This brings gameplay changes in the form of roaming creatures and potentially even a special game mode where the Leviathan wreaks havoc on the island mid-match. There’s also the possibility the Leviathan will remain a fixture of every match, and its arrival may be triggered through a series of special conditions achieved by participating players. The L-Star is Apex Legend's newest LMG coming in Season 2. It’s described as “a rare and powerful LMG” that “fires large, high-damage plasma projectiles at a fast cyclic rate.” The ammo type is listed as “experimental,” Since it shoots large plasma bullets, the L-Star can overheat, so it's advised to not keep the trigger down when using it. The weapon is so powerful that it can only be found in airdrop and comes with a limited supply of ammo that can't be refilled.



The update also includes Daily, and Weekly Challenges to level up, a significant reduction to reach Battle Pass level 100, three additional Legendary skins added to the rewards track, three entirely new content categories replace badge and stat tracker rewards. You’ll also earn enough Crafting Metal rewards from the full reward track to craft a Legendary item, or whatever you want.

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