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Switch: do not miss a new Nintendo Direct tonight!

Switch: do not miss a new Nintendo Direct tonight!

If you are the owner of the latest Nintendo console, then you are probably already familiar with Nintendo Direct. Since the release of the Switch almost a year ago, these appointments with the developers are greatly anticipated by the players. It is indeed during these live shows that the upcoming games are most often unveiled. Even though the last one, that happened in September, was full of games, no big announcement was included on it. Between some 3DS games, and many ports, such as Diablo III, Civilization VI, or several games in the Final Fantasy series, we had a preview of Yoshi's Crafted World, Luigi's Mansion 3, Daemon X Machina, and a new Animal Crossing game. All these games have been announced for 2019 on Switch, but the exact dates of release are yet to be specified.



So we imagine that these titles will make an appearance in the new Nintendo Direct scheduled for February 13, at 10 PM GMT/ 2 PM PT. According to a tweet published by Nintendo, it will be obviously focused on the Switch games, including the upcoming Fire Emblem: Three Houses. All this being, of course, to be taken with tweezers, what will follow is even more so. Among the rumours that circulate, based among other things on the expectations of players, we can see circulating a number of title's names on the web: a new Zelda, the next Bayonetta, news of the Metroid Prime series, or a Pokémon RPG game.

Tune in 2/13 at 2pm PT for a Nintendo Direct featuring around 35 minutes of information on upcoming #NintendoSwitch titles, including new details on #FireEmblem Three Houses!

— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) February 12, 2019

Anyway, all of us are to be quickly corrected if we are wrong on the subject. To follow the Nintendo Direct, you just have to visit Nintendo's website (US/UK) at the said times or watch it directly on their Youtube channel (US/UK). Another news might interest Switch players: a playable demo of Pokémon Let's Go is currently available on the Nintendo e-shop. It does not offer a lot of content, limiting you to the Jade Forest, and allowing you to face wild pokemons with Pikachu or Eevee. Nothing transcendent then, but it let's you have an overview of the main functionality of the game.

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