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The Wraith is the new monster in Evolve

The Wraith is the new monster in Evolve
You already know the Goliath and the Kraken as two of the ruthless monsters that you are able to play in Evolve. Today 2K Games is showing for the first time another of the savage alien beasts that will have to face a team of hunters. Skills like stealth, illusions, fast movements and deadly close combat capabilities all make the "Wraith" quite a proper name for it.

Evolve Wraith Trailer

It's also been confirmed that the starting date for the beta is going to be January 15, for all those with an Xbox Live subscription. All those participating will have access to the 12 maps that will go live later on launch, eight hunters to choose from (between Markov, Maggie, Val, Hank, Hyde, Griffin, Lazarus, and Bucket) and both Goliath and Kraken as monsters. Then, on January 17, Evacuation mode will be added to the beta, featuring a five-mission campaign that "combines the full array of maps and modes into a unique and highly replayable experience." There will be a closed technical test starting on January 16 for PlayStation 4 users, only accessible through invitation, so keep an eye on your email.
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