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Vermintide arrives to consoles this fall

Vermintide arrives to consoles this fall

Warhammer Fantasy Battles tabletop game has become the perfect inspiration for many games over the years. Games like Shadow of the Horned Rat, Dark Omen, Mark of Chaos, Mordheim: City of the Dammed or Age Of Reckoning have become perfect examples of titles that have managed to capture the essence of Games Workshop's miniature game and successfully turn it into a good video game. In most cases those titles have been strategy games, so it was quite refreshing to see Fatshark Studio take a different approach when they created Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide as a first-person shooter. They did a great job and released what's probably the best co-operative multiplayer game of last year with more than half a million players. If fighting against endless hordes of Skaven for the city of Ubersreik is not motivating enough, Vermintide has a fluid gameplay, their five classes are unique and quite different from each other, it has a solid combat system with easy-to-grab/difficult-to-master mechanics, and manages to do all that while being quite faithful to the franchise and maintaining game immersion. All that makes you want to have more after each match.

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide | Console Announcement Trailer

Today Fatshark have announced that they will finally release Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide on Playstation 4 and Xbox One this fall, more exactly on October 4. Nordic Games will be the company in charge of the Worldwide distribution of the physical editions, that will also include Sigmar’s Blessing and Drachenfels DLC. All we can say is that it was about time!