With the second cinematic that is leading to the release of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, we learn more about Sylvanas and get to answer one of the big questions in the World of Warcraf story which is: who burned down Teldrassil, the world tree? The new story short that was just released brings an answer to this burning question, pun intended!
We learn more about Sylvanas life before becoming the Queen of the Banshees and we witness the reason that made her destroy the world tree Teldrassil. Burning down Teldrassil, the home of the Night Elves and one of the connections to the Emmerald Dream, and the destruction of Darnassus is one step in the war between the Horde and the Alliance in Battle for Azeroth. As a response to the attack on Teldrassil, King Anduin of the Alliance Will take the war to Undercity in the Battle for Lordaeron. We now have to wait for next weeks cinematic about Aszhara to learn more about her and the events that bring down the Battle for Azeroth expansion.
The cinematic opens new posibilities and the internet is already full of theories. Are you happy so far with the development of the story line? Which one is yours?World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth releases worldwide August 14.