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World of Warcraft adds two new allies races: Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls

World of Warcraft adds two new allies races: Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls

Despite its longevity, the huge amount of changes its world has suffered, and the huge amount of detractors that it has gathered over the years, Blizzard's title continues being a major reference in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game genre. World of Warcraft still beats other games in the number of players and activity. One of the reasons for that is the endless stream of content updates to keep the interest of the players. Battle for Azeroth expansion was released last year, and Allied Races were brought into the game with it, but a couple of them were still missing, and the latest update will allow players to create and play with Kul Tiran humans and Zandalari trolls for the first time.



It´s been a long time since the races were announced for the first time during last year's BlizzCon and some players have been eagerly waiting for those two new allied races to unlock. Alliance army will be reinforced by Kul Tirans, who can pick from eight different classes including Warrior, Druid, Mage, Hunter, Monk, Priest, Rogue, and Shaman. On the other hand, Zandalari Trolls are the new addition to the Horde troops, and they can become monks, druids, mages, hunters, paladins, rogues, warriors or shamans.

Some requirements will need to be met by players to unlock each of them. For Zandalari Trolls, you need to have exalted reputation with the Zandalari Empire and earn both Zandalari Forever and Tides of Vengeance achievements through game progress. For Kul Tiran Humans, you need to be exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty and earn A Nation United and Tides of Vengeance achievements. When you meet those requirements, the final quests to unlock each of the races will appear for you, in a similar way to the previous ones.

Remember that if you create a character from one of those races they will start at level 20, and if you level them up from 20 to 110 without using a character boost from the shop you will get the respective racial mount and heritage armor for each of them.

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  • Official website : World of Warcraft
  • Categories : Mmorpg
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
  • Release date : 23 November 2004
  • Official website : WoW Battle for Azeroth
  • Categories : Mmorpg
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
  • Release date : 14 August 2018