Information about Instant Gaming

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More than anything, Instant-Gaming is a team of passionate players who have experienced waiting in long lines at the big stores to get their hands on the latest games. They are already a leader in Europe for online sales of Xbox Live cards, and now Instant-Gaming aims to offer the best service for PC game sales with the same formula that made them successful: the best prices, immediate delivery, and exemplary customer service !

Services provided by Instant Gaming

Instant Gaming is recognized as a "top retailer" by DLCompare thanks to their quality of service, competitive prices and the recognition they gained amoung users.

Instant Gaming is an old store and it would be quite. Its web page is available no less than 11 different languages.

Its catalog is huge and has very cheap prices in the most recent cases. Probably one of the most reliable friends that there is. 

Also, for any query, there is a support system available on your website.

Instant Gaming is considered as a cd key store which you can identify with this icon CD Key Store. A CD Key store will provide you your purchase as a cd key in text or image format via e-mail.

Payment methods
Paypal Paysafecard MasterCard Visa Google Pay Apple Pay

Comments on Instant Gaming

If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
23-Nov-2024, 10:13 pm on
Je viens à l'instant de faire l'acquisition d'une clé pour jeu PC. Paiement + Envoi de la clé + Téléchargement du jeu = Parfait !! ça m'a pris 5 minutes en comptant mon incription chez Instant Gaming. Alors, selon ma jeune expérience, je recommande ce site.
I've just bought a key for a PC game. Payment + Sending the key + Downloading the game = Perfect! It took me 5 minutes, counting my registration with Instant Gaming. So, based on my young experience, I recommend this site.
07-Nov-2024, 12:45 pm on
Es muy buena. Metí la pata en una compra marcándola varias veces y me atendieron enseguida. Todo muy bien. Sólo añadir que, como método de pago, también admiten Bizum. Para mí es el si8stema más rápido y cómodo, además no tienes que dejar datos de tu tarjeta o tu cuenta.
It is very good. I screwed up a purchase by marking it several times and they took care of me right away. Everything went very well. Just to add that, as a payment method, they also support Bizum. For me it is the fastest and most convenient system, plus you don't have to leave your card or account details.
01-Oct-2024, 10:15 pm on
J'achète des jeux depuis plusieurs années chez eux, jamais eu de problème!
I've been buying games from them for several years now, and I've never had a problem!
24-Jan-2024, 3:15 pm on
Compra perfecta. Te deja pagar con Bizum, así que es muy rápido. Nada más aprobar el pago recibí el código de activación. Yo uso Ubisoft y me activó el juego sin ningún problema.
Perfect purchase. It lets you pay with Bizum, so it's very fast. As soon as the payment was approved I received the activation code. I use Ubisoft and it activated the game without any problem.
25-May-2023, 6:58 pm on
Jamais eu de problème jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Acheté le jeu Gollum, la clé que j'ai reçu était déjà utilisé par un autre compte
Never had a problem until today. Bought the Gollum game, the key I received was already used by another account.
05-Mar-2022, 6:47 pm on
Bonjour a tous question comment on c'est que les jeux sont en FR ? car j'ai vue il y a longtemps qui il y a vais des drapeaux pour savoir si le jeu était en FR et maintenant il ne sont plus merci
Hello to all question how is it that the games are in FR? because I saw a long time ago that there will be flags to know if the game was in FR and now they are no longer thanks
03-Jun-2021, 2:38 pm on
c'est normal qu'ils me demandent une photo de ma carte d'identité ?
is it normal that they ask me for a picture of my identity card?
26-Feb-2021, 7:52 pm on
Un site où j'ai acheté plusieurs jeux sans aucun problème , je le recommande vivement !
A site where I bought several games without any problem, I highly recommend it!
05-Feb-2021, 6:18 pm on
Parfait tant qu'il n'y a pas de problèmes ! Si vous faites une réclamation sur une clé par contre, le support bannit votre compte. Ça vient de m'arriver avec une clé Tarkov (qui était en fait une clé d'essai). Le support IG m'a demandé de contacter le support du jeu afin d'obtenir une preuve, ce que j'ai fait. Quand j'ai envoyé la preuve : compte banni !
Perfect as long as there are no problems! If you complain about a key though, support bans your account. This just happened to me with a Tarkov key (which was actually a trial key). The IG support asked me to contact the game support to get a proof, which I did. When I sent the proof: account banned!
Vincent Marechal
28-Jan-2021, 9:31 pm on
Super prix au top j'adore ^^)
Super price at the top I love ^^)
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