Information about


Here at we specialise in providing CD keys so we can offer the lowest prices together with instant delivery through our unique automated delivery system. Our aim is to offer the largest range of Xbox live points & subscriptions, PlayStation Network cards and PC games/expansion packs at the most competitive prices. Our management team have over twenty years of combined experience in the industry with skills in professional customer support and supplying buyers with the lowest cost products. With an extensive, reliable supply chain and purchasing power, can aggregate sales volume - we then pass these bulk reductions on to you, which ensures our pricing is the most competitive around!

Services provided by

All of our products are delivered digitally through our online system within seconds. All orders are subject to security checks which may cause a brief delay. is considered as a cd key store which you can identify with this icon CD Key Store. A CD Key store will provide you your purchase as a cd key in text or image format via e-mail.

Payment methods
American Express Paypal Diners ( Diners club international) Skrill IDeal Sofort Maestro MasterCard Visa Discover Network Giropay Bitcoin Apple Pay Neteller

Comments on

If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
6504202b5b1f8@mohamed hafnaoui
16-Sep-2023, 11:21 am on
Achat de the crew Motorfest clé reçu déjà utilisé service client qui répond pas au message
Purchase of the crew Motorfest key received already used customer service not responding to message
25-Oct-2022, 8:06 pm on
He comprado lo que supuestamente ustedes ofertan, la clave para dirt rally 2, pero me dice que la clave no es válida, que tengo que instalar algo antes.
I bought what you supposedly offer, the key for dirt rally 2, but it tells me that the key is not valid, that I have to install something first.
28-Aug-2021, 11:52 am on
2 code ff14 commander les deux reçu instant , site recommandé les yeux fermé
2 code ff14 order both received instantly, recommended site eyes closed
20-Aug-2021, 3:11 am on
Jamais aucun problème sur ce site, envoi toujours plus que rapide, plus que recommandé !!
Never any problem on this site, always sending more than fast, more than recommended!
08-Aug-2021, 3:34 pm on
Super contente ! Prix plus que parfait et livraison immédiate merci beaucoup :D Achat: Sims 4 CHIEN & CHAT
Super happy! The price is perfect and the delivery is immediate, thank you very much :D Buy: Sims 4 DOG & CAT
31-Jul-2021, 6:06 pm on
Je viens de prendre The Ascent ! Payé, clé récupéré et validé sur Steam ! Au top CDKeys !
I just picked up The Ascent! Paid, key retrieved and validated on Steam! To the top CDKeys!
08-May-2021, 9:20 pm on
Bonjour, je viens d’acheter ya 5 minutes (08-05-2021 à 21h10) le jeu RÉSIDENT EVIL VILLAGE VERSION DELUXE Sur CDKEYS... Bha nickel rien a redire pas de frais caché, livraison vraiment instantané prix pour la france et pas comme certains bref je recommande sans hésité c'est mon deuxième jeux chez eux mais pas le dernier...
Hello, I just bought 5 minutes ago (08-05-2021 at 21h10) the game RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE VERSION DELUXE on CDKEYS... I've just bought the game Resident Evil Village Deluxe Version on CDKEYS... Bha nickel nothing to complain no hidden fees, delivery really instantaneous price for France and not like some in short I recommend without hesitation it is my second game with them but not the last ...
15-Feb-2021, 4:35 pm on
CyberPunk 2077 gekauft, code funktioniert nicht, wird bereits benutzt, beim support gemeldet, meinten die nicht ihr Problem, ich soll das mit dem support von klären. Von denen habe ich erfahren dass der code bereits am Tag zuvor von einem anderen account genutzt wurde. Also erstens wäre es an gewesen das mit zu klären und zweitens das eigentliche Problem, code gekauft der schonmal verkauft wurde. Absolut unseriös und nicht weiterzuempfehlen.
CyberPunk 2077 purchased, code does not work, is already used, reported to support, they did not mean their problem, I should clarify this with the support of From them I learned that the code was already used the day before by another account. So first of all it would have been up to to clarify this with and secondly the real problem, code bought that was already sold. Absolutely unserious and not to be recommended.
06-Feb-2021, 12:35 pm on
Pas sérieux du tout ! j'ai payé du playstation plus. Code déjà utilisé. Le service client m'en renvoi un, déjà utilisé aussi.... Il m'en renvoi un et oh il marche !
Not serious at all! I paid playstation plus. Code already used. The customer service sends me back one, already used too.... They send me one back and oh it works!
27-Dec-2020, 12:07 pm on
Bonjour Je viens d'acheter fifa 21 sur cd keys mais en compte invité. J'ai reçu mon email de confirmation et j'ai fait ce qu'il me disait de faire mais je n'ai pas trouvé le code qu'il faut entrer dans origin. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer où ce dernier se trouve .
Hello I just bought fifa 21 on cd keys but on guest account. I received my confirmation email and I did what it told me to do but I couldn't find the code to enter in origin. Could you please tell me where it is.
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