Information about HRKGAME


HRK is a digital video game distribution platform. It distributes PC video games with the most competitive prices on the market. HRK gives free bonus random games for each game that you purchase on HRK. The random game worth from $2.99 up to $59.99. Delivery time is instantly and the payment method: PayPal, Credit Card and G2APAY.


  • 12%

Services provided by HRKGAME

After your purchase, you will receive your game code instantly. Also, you will receive your bonus game too, thanks to the HRK lottery system, which provides 10% chance to win a triple A game. You can also build your own bundles on HRK, enter to free giveaways and more.

HRKGAME is considered as a cd key store which you can identify with this icon CD Key Store. A CD Key store will provide you your purchase as a cd key in text or image format via e-mail.

Payment methods
American Express Paypal Carte Bleue JCB card Diners ( Diners club international) Paysafecard VISA electron Skrill IDeal Sofort MasterCard Visa Bitcoin Paytm Ethereum Litecoin Tether Crypto E-wallet USD Coin Visa Debit

Comments on HRKGAME

If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
26-Apr-2024, 1:51 pm on
Homies, problème régler, le jeu vient tout juste de me parvenir, ne paniquez pas et soyez patients. Mais attendez vous à attendre au moins 3 heures malgré tout, on ne sait jamais.
Homies, problem solved, the game has just arrived, so don't panic and be patient. But expect to wait at least 3 hours anyway, you never know.
26-Apr-2024, 1:41 pm on
Mauvais site, je viens de prendre God of War chez eux. Résultat : le paiement à été accepté et cela va faire quasiment trois heures que j'attends, j'ai déposer un ticket sur le site pour parler de mon problème, j'attends encore un signe venant d'eux. Aussi il précise de ne pas fermer la page ect.... pour finalement dire que cela peut prendre jusqu'à 20 minutes, il devrait changer les 20 minutes en au moins 3 bonnes heures.
Bad site, I just bought God of War from them. Result: the payment has been accepted and I've been waiting for almost three hours, I've filed a ticket on the site to talk about my problem, I'm still waiting for a sign from them. He also told me not to close the ect.... page, and finally said that it could take up to 20 minutes. He should change the 20 minutes in at least 3 good hours.
04-Dec-2020, 1:48 pm on
Bought I expect you to die (GLOBAL). Got the code immediately and working.
Bought I expect you to die (GLOBAL). Got the code immediately and working.
Alessandro Pozzi
03-Sep-2020, 3:20 pm on
J'ai déjà commander plusieurs fois sur ce site et jamais eu de problèmes. Je viens à l'instant d'acheter Dirt Rally 2.0 à un prix défiant toute concurrence sans TVA et j'ai reçu la clé directement après l'achat. Très satisfait.
I have already ordered several times on this site and never had any problems. I just bought Dirt Rally 2.0 at an unbeatable price without VAT and I received the key directly after the purchase. Very satisfied.
30-Aug-2020, 4:21 pm on
tres long mais recu avec succes
very long but successfully received
04-Jun-2020, 3:55 pm on
J'utilise ce site depuis des années et je n'ai jamais eu aucun problème. Depuis peu, pour votre 1er achat il demande un selfie de vous avec carte d'identité et 2/3 truc avec, mais après c'est fini. J'avoue que l'attente est parfois un peu longue mais sur une 50ene d'achat effectue, j'ai toujours eu ce que j'ai commandé. Je recommande ce site pour ces prix attractifs et leur sérieux
I have been using this site for years and have never had any problems. Recently, for your first purchase it asks for a selfie from you with ID card and 2/3 stuff with it, but then it's over. I admit that the wait is sometimes a little long but on a 50th purchase made, I always got what I ordered. I recommend this site for its attractive prices and their seriousness.
30-May-2020, 10:05 pm on
Je confirme que le site fonctionne mieux en version anglaise que française. Le système pour récupéré sa commande est trop long pour moi, toutefois le site ma remis ma commande sans problème. Pour moi c'est bon.
I confirm that the site works better in English version than in French. The system to retrieve my order is too long for me, however the site delivered my order without any problem. For me it's good.
26-May-2020, 1:07 pm on
Il faut faire une démarche un peu embêtante (en plus de fournir des papiers d'identités) pour récupérer ses produits. Je ne recommande pas.
It is necessary to take a somewhat annoying step (in addition to providing identity papers) to recover your products. I do not recommend it.
01-Apr-2020, 11:48 pm on
Dunkan Cabrera
01-Jan-2020, 11:20 pm on
muy buena pagina, codigos al instante y seguro, recomendado al 100%
very good site, instant and secure codes, 100% recommended
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