Information about DLGamer

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Creating your own account will allow you to: =>Shop faster =>Retain your shopping basket even if you log off =>View your orders, your downloads =>Benefit from special offers: Discounts, pre-orders, beta test, free trials.

Services provided by DLGamer

Official store with download service included. Instant delivery of product codes and download links after payment.

DLGamer is an official store which you can identify with this icon Official Store. You'll receive your cd keys as text or image by e-mail, or by mail for your retail boxes or hardware.

Payment methods
Paypal Carte Bleue MasterCard Visa Sepa

Comments on DLGamer

If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
24-Feb-2021, 2:16 am on
Votre commande est en cours de préparation. ( je ne comprend pas ) que doit je faire ?
Your order is being prepared. ( I don't understand ) what should I do ?
05-Oct-2018, 10:13 pm on
tres bon site je prend quasiment tous mes jeux chez eux
very good site I take almost all my games at home
08-Jan-2018, 11:24 am on
Parfait ! Clé reçu en 45 secondes après l'achat ! :)
Perfect! Key received within 45 seconds of purchase! :)
01-Oct-2017, 11:47 am on
Nickel pour moi clé reçu en moins de 2 mm . +1
Nickel for me key received in less than 2 mm . +1
14-Mar-2017, 7:15 pm on
Acheté le jeu Ghost recon wildlands en ligne, clef reçue en 55 secondes. Nickel ;)
Purchased the game Ghost recon wildlands online, key received in 55 seconds. Nickel;)
07-Jan-2017, 11:46 am on
Jeu acheté sans soucis
Game bought without worries
20-Oct-2016, 9:29 pm on
J attends ce civilization avec impatience! Nouveaux graphisme et tout nouveau système de ville, j ai hâte!
I look forward to this civilization! New graphics and a whole new city system, I can't wait!
06-Jul-2016, 6:01 pm on
Acceptez-vous les Paysafecard sur DLGamer ?
Do you accept Paysafecard on DLGamer?
24-Apr-2016, 6:28 pm on
clé reçue en 02mins48 :) Parfait!
key received in 02mins48 :) Perfect!
17-Mar-2016, 8:42 pm on
Je ne suis pas aussi satisfait que vous, paiement fait par paypal, mail de confirmation reçu de paypal paiement ok, et dans la foulé mail de DLGamer m'indiquant que mon paiement est refusé et que la commande est annulé :/ Je sens que ça va être la panade le remboursement.....
I'm not as satisfied as you, payment made by paypal, confirmation email received from paypal payment ok, and in the meantime email from DLGamer telling me that my payment is refused and that the order is canceled :/ I feel that it will be the panade the refund.....
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