Information about Gamesplanet US

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Gamesplanet is the place to be to buy and download all the new titles on PC and Mac at the best price.

The most prestigious publishers, such as Electronic Arts, Activision, Bethesda, Sega, Kalypso, Take 2, and Ubisoft, entrust their games to Metaboli for download and, thanks to more than 40 content partners in total, Metaboli can offer the very best catalog of video games, available to download, in Europe.


Services provided by Gamesplanet US

Gamesplanet US is an official store which you can identify with this icon Official Store. You'll receive your cd keys as text or image by e-mail, or by mail for your retail boxes or hardware.

Payment methods
American Express Paypal Paysafecard Skrill IDeal MasterCard Visa Amazon Pay Klarna

Comments on Gamesplanet US

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