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Information about GreenmanGaming

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Green Man Gaming is a digital retailer of PC games. We sell games globally and have sold to over 89 countries. We're based in London, UK, and our offices are in Bloomsbury which sounds much more posh than it really is. Unlike any other digital retailer, our customers can trade-in their digitally downloaded games for credit in their account and this credit can then be used for new purchases. We have some very clever patent-protected technology that allows only us to do this. We make buying from us secure. We are VeriSign Trusted (with VeriSign Class 3 Validation SSL SGC CA certificates) and use the best established payment systems: SagePay and PayPal.

Services provided by GreenmanGaming

Official store with download service included. To access some Greenmangaming services, you must install the client 'Capsule' on your computer.

Instant delivery of product codes and download links after payment.


GreenmanGaming is an official store which you can identify with this icon Official Store. You'll receive your cd keys as text or image by e-mail, or by mail for your retail boxes or hardware.

Payment methods
American Express Paypal Carte Bleue JCB card Paysafecard Sofort Maestro MasterCard Visa Discover Network Rixty Bitcoin Google Pay Apple Pay UnionPay Alipay WeChat Pay Kakaopay Visa Debit

Comments on GreenmanGaming

If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
28-Jul-2020, 6:12 pm on dlcompare.fr
Je viens juste de commander un jeu, et j'ai reçu la clé par email a peine payé. RAS.
I just ordered a game, and I just got the key by email just paid for it. CLEAR.
31-Oct-2019, 3:50 pm on dlcompare.es
Grand Theft Auto V Es online? (al precio de 9.99 Euros)
Grand Theft Auto V Is it online? (at the price of 9.99 Euros)
loic huau
25-Oct-2019, 6:57 pm on dlcompare.fr
sur le site le prix est plus élevé!!
on the site the price is higher!!
02-Oct-2018, 7:11 pm on dlcompare.fr
Site de qualité recu la cle immédiatement je recommande
Quality site received the key immediately I recommend
18-Aug-2018, 5:21 pm on dlcompare.fr
Un super site ! Ils m'ont accordé exceptionnellement un remboursement pour un artbookt (je l'ai confondu avec le jeu) alors qu'ils n'étaient pas obligés je recommande chaudement !
A great site! They granted me a refund for an artbookt (I confused it with the game) even though they didn't have to... I highly recommend it!
18-Aug-2018, 5:17 pm on dlcompare.fr
Bonjour, J'ai acheté par erreur l'OST/Artbook du jeu "Phantom Doctrine" au lieu du jeu sur ce site. Malheureusement pour moi, je m'en suis aperçu après avoir vus la clé d'activation du produit, donc le remboursement ne pouvait plus fonctionner. Sur steam, on ne peut pas activer le produit associé à un jeu qu'on ne possède pas. J'ai quand même ouvert un ticket et, exceptionnellement, pour ce cas précis, le site a accepté le remboursement. Je recommande donc chaudement Greenmangaming.com !
Hello, I bought by mistake the OST/Artbook of the game "Phantom Doctrine" instead of the game on this site. Unfortunately for me, I realized this after seeing the activation key for the product, so the refund could not work anymore. On steam, you can't activate the product associated with a game you don't own. I still opened a ticket and, exceptionally, for this particular case, the site accepted the refund. So I highly recommend Greenmangaming.com!
18-Aug-2018, 5:04 pm on dlcompare.fr
Bonjour, Lorsque j'ai souhaité acheter le jeu "Phantom doctrine" sur ce site, je me suis trompé de produits et j'ai acheté l'OST et l'artbook de ce jeu. Évidement, je m'en suis aperçu après avoir vus la clé du produit et le remboursement n'était plus valable à cause de ça. J'ai contacté le support et on m'a gentiment accordé le remboursement à titre exceptionnel pour mon cas précis. Ce site m'a montré qu'il prenait soin de ses clients et je le recommande donc chaudement !
Hello, When I wanted to buy the game "Phantom doctrine" on this site, I bought the wrong products and I bought the OST and the artbook of this game. Of course, I realized this after seeing the product key and the refund was no longer valid because of that. I contacted the support and was kindly granted the refund as an exception for my specific case. This site has shown me that it takes care of its customers and I highly recommend it!
06-Aug-2018, 9:03 pm on dlcompare.fr
Monster Acheté en Précommande sur PC. Reçus 3 jours a l'avance ! Parfait !
Monster Purchased in Pre-Order on PC. Received 3 days in advance! Perfect!
22-Feb-2017, 2:02 pm on dlcompare.fr
Clé Uplay For Honor commandée à l'instant, avec 2 "loot box" (clés aléatoires Steam). Clés reçus dans la seconde qui a suivi l'achat, les 3 fonctionnaient parfaitement. Petit bémol, ayant payé avec Paysafecard il y a pas mal de frais supplémentaires (6.31€ dans mon cas, pour un total de 58.88€ au lieu de 52.57€) Je recommande le site, très fiable et sérieux :P !
Uplay For Honor key ordered just now, with 2 "loot box" (Steam random keys). Keys received within a second of purchase, all 3 worked perfectly. Small downside, having paid with Paysafecard, there are a lot of additional fees (6.31€ in my case, for a total of 58.88€ instead of 52.57€). I recommend the site, very reliable and serious :P!
06-Oct-2016, 3:30 pm on dlcompare.fr
comment jouer au jeux une fois acheter ?
how to play the game once you buy?
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